Hi all My LG DVD Rom will not recognize copied DVDs Says...No Media... Plays ok in the DVD (TV) Player or the LG DVD PC burner This is a pain as I can not copy DVD to DVD Can you help please
Did you copy it? What did you use? What kind of Media? What format is your DVDrom (+ or -) What format is the Copy (+ or -) We need a lot more info to help you out.
Did you copy it?..... No, It was a download (2 CDs MPEG2) What did you use? …..Ulead Movie Factory because I had to join 2 MPEGs What kind of Media? …..TDK+ What format is your DVDrom (+ or -) …..I do not know, how do I find out? What format is the Copy (+ or -) …..+ We need a lot more info to help you out. Thank you for replying
Did you burn the disc? It shoud say on the front of your DVDrom what the format is. I don't know about Ulead sorry, but stick around someone will help you out when they get a chance. (Some of these people actually sleep at night but they won't admit it)
Sorry. I forgot. I am from Assie Land and we are 10 to 15 hrs ahead will check in the morning (My morning) he he
Thanks I purchased a new DVD Rom and that fixed the problem I have learned something from this exercise. hmmm