DVD Rom will not recognize burned DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by offsider, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. offsider

    offsider Guest

    Hi all
    My LG DVD Rom will not recognize copied DVDs
    Says...No Media...
    Plays ok in the DVD (TV) Player or the LG DVD PC burner
    This is a pain as I can not copy DVD to DVD
    Can you help please
  2. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Did you copy it?

    What did you use?

    What kind of Media?

    What format is your DVDrom (+ or -)

    What format is the Copy (+ or -)

    We need a lot more info to help you out.

  3. offsider

    offsider Guest

    Did you copy it?..... No, It was a download (2 CDs MPEG2)

    What did you use? …..Ulead Movie Factory because I had to join 2 MPEGs

    What kind of Media? …..TDK+

    What format is your DVDrom (+ or -) …..I do not know, how do I find out?

    What format is the Copy (+ or -) …..+

    We need a lot more info to help you out.

    Thank you for replying
  4. offsider

    offsider Guest

    please inform me if I have not given enough information. I do not know what else???

  5. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Did you burn the disc?

    It shoud say on the front of your DVDrom what the format is.

    I don't know about Ulead sorry, but stick around someone will help you out when they get a chance.
    (Some of these people actually sleep at night but they won't admit it)
  6. offsider

    offsider Guest

    Sorry. I forgot. I am from Assie Land and we are
    10 to 15 hrs ahead
    will check in the morning (My morning) he he
  7. offsider

    offsider Guest

    I purchased a new DVD Rom and that fixed the problem

    I have learned something from this exercise. hmmm

  8. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Glad it worked

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