Discussion in 'DVDR' started by ExPara, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. ExPara

    ExPara Guest

    In addition to a CD/DVD RW drive I have a Sony DVD-ROM Drive.The Sony DVD-ROM DDU1612 Drive will only play CD files. It used to play DVDs, but now it only plays CDs. Can anybody make a suggestion as to the cause and a remedy to rectify the problem?
  2. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    are you saying that it won't play a store bought DVD or a burned DVD?

    in either case try uninstalling the DVD-ROM and then reboot to let Windows reinstall the DVD-ROM. this could fix your problem. Here is how to do that:

    Right click on MY COMPUTER
    hit HARWARE tab
    hit the + sign for DVD/CD-ROM DRIVES
    right click on your drive and hit UNINSTALL

    If it's having a problem playing your burned DVDs then I would think it's a media problem. Using good media stops problems like this (compatibility) and also stops freezing, skipping, pixelations and such. Starting out with good media is important that Newbies overlook by buying the cheap stuff that turns out to be expensive stuff because you have to do it all over again on the good stuff! Use MIJs (made in Japan) disks. Look on the label of the box or spindle and make sure it's genuine MIJ..... otherwise buy Verbatim ..... the only exception to the MIJ rule and the only other disk I will allow near my burner.

    the other thing for compatibility is to BOOKTYPE your burner to make your +R media into DVD-ROMs (like store bought DVDs). this will help your burned DVDs play in most DVD PLayers. Read this: Booktyping

    hope this helps..... welcome to afterdawn.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2007
  3. ExPara

    ExPara Guest

    I am unable to play/read either bought, ie. films or discs recorded on my other drive.
  4. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    read above
  5. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    and if this advise doesn't help you then I would post your problem in the correct forum: PLAYBACK PROBLEMS

    Good luck.
  6. ExPara

    ExPara Guest

    I have tried as you suggested and done an uninstall and reinstall. Same problem exists. I can hear the drive churning away and then everything freezes. Thanks anyway. Any other suggestions?
  7. IHoe

    IHoe Senior member

    May 21, 2005
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    did you try to do a firmware update on your DVD-ROM? sounds like you're ready for a new drive! Sorry you're having trouble with your drive. Before you go out and buy new.... or do something along that line.... I would try a SYSTEM RESTORE .... when was the last time your drive was working properly? Go to SYSTEM RESTORE and go to that date and restore your system as of that date when everything was working properly. maybe you installed something that made your drive into just a CD-ROM! who knows. but before you go and do a SYSTEM RESTORE I would save any new programs and any NEW documents or pictures that have been put into your computer after the date that you want to restore to, because when you do a system restore it will bring your computer back to where it was on that date! You will lose files and such that are new or installed after that date. So check your machine out and see what is new. Here's how to do a System Restore:

    hit START/All PROGRAMS/ASSESSORIES/SYSTEM TOOLS/SYSTEM RESTORE and follow instructions, pick a date and let Windows do the restore! it's easy and could correct your problem. wishing you luck.
  8. ExPara

    ExPara Guest

    I cannot remember when the drive was working correctly. It's quite a while since I last used it to play DVDs. I don't think that I will have a restore point going back to a time when the drive was working correctly. I think that I will just suffer and use my other drive until I purchase a replacment for the "Duff" one. Thanks for your input. Regards Expara.

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