Hello, I have x5 Verbatim RW dvd's that were working until recently. Please note that when I write RW-DVD, it's not -dvd's but always +RW. All of those dvd's already had movies on it (old ones) and I wanted to re-use these RW-dvd's for a new use (animes). First thing I did was put them in the burner (they all got recognized) and I proceeded to erase the data on them. Well, after doing so and ready to burn anew, some weren't getting recognized by the driver anymore when they were just before. When I'd go in the folder where the driver's letter are, it would really slow my computer and right clicking on the burner's letter was freezing until I'd remove the dvd. Here is not the exact summary but it's pretty much what happened: 1. 5/5 rw dvd's all loaded OK and I erased them all, no problem. 2. 2/5 rw dvd's weren't loading anymore so I thought they were broken so Ok. 3. I then burned the other 2 on my 5 rw dvd's with video's and it worked ok. 4. Once I watched the video's, I erased both dvd's Ok. 5. On those newly 2 erased rw dvd's, 1 wasn't loading in the burner anymore. 6. I now only got 2 left working so I burned on both Ok. 7. Watched both dvd's and then went to erase again 8. Wanting to burn my other video's, 1 of the 2 left wasn't getting recognized anymore leaving only 1 left. 9. That last rw-dvd is still working but I am afraid it'll do the same sooner or later. It also happened that after burning some video's on 1 rw-dvd, it wasn't getting recognized by my dvd/avi player (Unknown disk error) when they were working perfectly just before I erased to burn again. I am sorry if it's all complicated to understand but english is not my primary language and when talking about such stuff, it's even more hard for me to explain myself. The reason why I post here is because I first thought some of those rw-dvd's were broken or something. Now, seeing they are all strangely not getting loaded by my burner anymore is making me wonder if it's something that is making it buggy. I tried on a different computer and it's also not loading ''anymore''. My current computer/burner is very very recent so is the burner (and I strongly doubt it's the reason because we had to replace it since we had a bugged one at first so the compagny took it back and we never had problems with it anymore). I always use DVD-R Verbatim 16x first quality CCM03 when burning anything else and never had trouble but with those RW-dvds.. all of a sudden.. meh, maybe I did something wrong or something changed somewhere making it buggy like that? Also, it happened 2 times or so that my burner wasn't ejecting the DVD anymore (after right clicking on the letter's drive to Explore the dvd.. it just kept on loading with a freeze screen) so I had to reboot the computer. Any idea? Seems weird.. I searched here and looked at guides but nothing.. I may have missed the thread or haven't search far enought, if so I am sorry but I did search for some time. Thank you ~
the problem could be that you have wrote and erased the disks to many times i think that rw are good for five times, do you know how many times you have reused the disks? also you say that they are x5 well they don't make x5 they make x2 x4 x6 also my bad on the five times to erase and rerecored, it says on the site that Re-recordable up to 1000 times that is like wow, what program are you using to burn?
When I write x5 it means 5 rw-dvd+ and as for the speed, it's written on the title 2.4x. I burn .iso's with DVDDecrypter and video_ts/files with Nero. Thank you ~
Do not erase dvd rws if you want to reuse them just record over them the software program will take care of what has to be done and it will saftly record over the old materal if that will not work then you have bad rw dvds you have destroyed your other rws by erasing them