I have an NEC ND-3540 DVD-RW the other week I made a few CDs for my car. I came to make 1 last CD and it just kept saying insert blank media....I was a bit perplexed and just kept trying a few different CDRs thinking I had a few dodgy ones. Nope it wasn’t that. I started to get worried and tried copying a DVD that works fine. So I thought I had done something to the drivers and as I do I decided to reformat my PC. When it came to installing my software that I had saved to disc a while ago the DVD-RW drive wouldn't recognize normal CDs. I had a plain DVD drive in my PC too and thought well if I just put a normal CD-RW I can still make my CDs. I’ve put my CD-RW in and that recognizes CDs which sounds like a good start but it still wont burn them. I’ve updated Firmware, tried other burning software. Is my PC fluffed? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
How old is your drive? Have you tried removing the drive and reinstalling it? Different master/slave setup? IDE cable setup?
It's about 5 months old, i havent tried changing the setting on my DVD writer but i have put my old CR-RW in and that doesn't Write CDs. i've tried a CD cleaner but the DVD-RW doesn't wanna know and my CD-RW still doesn't copy CDs please, HELP!!!
I have had the exact same issue since the last Windows UPdate. On top of that my system restore won't let me restore to before that update. There I was happily making CD's to play in my car (I only use burned discs in my car in case someone rips me off) and then bam the next day, my DVD RW won't recognize any CD ROM
yep i have this problem to, i can read and write dvds with my dvd writer but i cant read or write cds, then with me cd-rom i can read cds but not read dvds its bein like this for ages i have serched everywer and found no answers if you guys get it sorted please post back here and tell us how to resolve this issue thanks jonny
i just booght a new DVD-RW....from what i can tell it's some hardware screw up. sorry i have no other answers
My Plextor 712 & 716 DVD RW on differant computers have the same problem with CD's. I put in a blank cd and it says to insert a blank cd, if it does happen to find it once in a while I start to burn to it and get an error mechanical positioning error. There must be a common work around or fix somewhere.