Help please I have a problem with dvd shrink and nero engaging so i can do the burning. I borrow a nero disc that my brother got when he bought a dvd writter. this is what it says on the disk i borrow nero oem suite cd contains nero express 6.6 in cd 4 nerovision express 3 nereo backitup. mpeg-2 svdd/dvd plug-in dvd-writer manual acrobat reader cyberlink powerdvd 6 microvision surething se-lightscribe edition is there anything that am missing?
it says 6.6, i wonder if the disc version is that version of nero only utilises manual burning between nero + shrink.You probably will need to roll your nero to version has automatic burning with nero + shrink.Also dont install the incd when you install the software.The packet writing software will most probably play havoc with your system config. zei
In addition to zieram's comments, I would add that the Burn with Nero option has to be checked in DVD Shrink: Edit -> Preferences -> File I/O tab -> "Enable burning with Nero" should be checked.