I've been using DVD43, DVD Shrink and Nero to copy and burn DVDs for several months, reauthoring first to delete FBI warnings and other unwanted materials. Last night I succeeded in my first attempt to copy and burn a DVD with working menus. I'd like to delete unwanted material and burn it again, but I don't see that the software I'm using will let me without losing the working menus. If anyone knows how I'd appreciate learning. Thanks.
you can also use Vobblanker to remove any unwanted material and the use shrink to create iso and burn with nero.
Thanks poolpro, I'll give it a shot tonight. Do you know if Vobblanker, which I have, will allow me to remove for instance only the FBI warning footage yet maintain working menus? And how can I tell what files pertain to what I want to remove? I have a particular DVD that has menus I'd like to be able to use, and the only thing I want to remove is the FBI warning at the very beginning. Like I said, I'll get into it tonight and see what I find out, but if you have any tips let me know, thanks!
Well Jaknife Vobblanker is the perfect tool for the job.You can click on a file using Vobblanker and it will give you a screenshot of what that file contains.Pretty easy program to use.Yes it will preserve the menus and whatever else you want.Usually the FBI warnings are contained in the menu of the movie and can easily be deleted with Vobblanker.Check out JSotos site if you need any help and click on the guides section on his site.That will give you all the info you need to get going.
Thanks poolpro, I just got on a short time ago and started learning how to preview and cut. It's quite a program and plenty to learn. What is JSotos site, I'd like to pay it a visit. In the meantime, I'm going to see if what I'm doing now gives me the results I want. What I learn and share will no doubt help others. I'll let you know how I make out. Thanks again.
Just do a search for Vobblanker and you will see JSOTOS name.Simply click on his name and you're all set. Good luck and happy burning.