When I inserted a dvd in my computer and tried to open it with dvd shrink i go this error message: DVD Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Invalid DVD navigation structure and i got this error message with nero recode: Nero Recode encountered an error and cannot continue. An internal error occured. A VOBU address is out of bounds. This may be caused by an invalid DVD navigation structure. This is the first time I have ever gotten this kind of error. This has happened with only 3 dvds that are really new. I do have AnyDVD running in the background which I doubt would cause this but I dont know. Can somebody please tell me what the problem is? Thanx, Joe
It sounds to me like an encryption issue. Make sure you have the latest AnyDVD version. Get it here: http://www.slysoft.com
Ummm I just downloaded the newest version of AnyDVD and I'm still gettin the same error messages, but thanx anyway.
is your nero updated, to NERO or also it a good idea to post ye nero log..and pm *(creaky)* to have a look at it..