dvd shrink

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by sylvister, Aug 25, 2004.

  1. sylvister

    sylvister Member

    Aug 24, 2004
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    is there anyway possible to set the speeds when shrink is encoding a dvd it takes a long time??? ty in advance...
  2. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    Not that I know of. I know that the less compression the less time it takes. I often scrap the menus and extras to reduce my shrink time.
  3. babelfish

    babelfish Regular member

    Jun 18, 2003
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    1) get more memory
    2) get a better processor
    3) get a dvd-reader wityh riplock disabled (which i need to do as mine is pants - apparently the liteon ones rock for this)

    basically most readers are set to only rip at 2x (iirc) so a better reader wont have this restriction...
  4. Deeman

    Deeman Guest

    I can rip a 4.7GB dvd using shrink in about 12-14 min.
    About another 15 min to burn with my lite-on 851s
  5. toyfigure

    toyfigure Guest

    It'll take a lot longer time if you have the "Deep analysis" thingie checked. As far as I know it's good only if you are ripping a movie with lots of action scenes.

    It takes 15-20 minutes for my Sony 1.8ghz to rip without deep analysis on and anywhere from 35-50 minutes with it enabled.

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