Hi Everyone! I need to ask for some help... I have been tring to make a successful back-up of a dvd to cd-r (since I don't have a DVD-R) using smart-ripper and dvd-squeeze 6.0... So far I can rip the dvd to the hdd and than use dvd squeeze to convert to .avi and/or .mpg.. It plays fine on the computer but burning using nero 6 hasn't been kind to me.. the burn process starts and finishes but no go when I try to play on the dvd player - keeps on starting on a blue screen which says: mp3 root menu - thats it can't get by it!!! I know i'm doing something wrong! If anyone has some advice I could use it.... Thanks
Hi, The method you're trying to use isn't going to work. For putting a DVD onto a CD I suggest converting the ripped DVD files to either VCD or SVCD which will make the files small enough to fit a CD-R and still retain decent quality. Nero Vision Express (included with Nero6 Ultra) can handle the conversion/burn or you could use the very fine TMPGEnc to do the conversion and then burn with the standard Nero6 if you don't have the Ultra verion
Hi, I forgot to add that DVD Squeeze is a collection of free applications that an unscrupulous vendor is charging for so if you can get your money back I would since you can download the same tools for free from here.
Isn't Dvd Squeeze a ripped off version of Dvd shrink? I'm sure I read somewhere that some unscrupulous person had taken Shrink, repackaged it as Squeeze and was selling it on the internet for loads of money.
Nephilim You've beaten me to it again. If I hadn't made a cup of tea in the middle of replying, I would have posted before you. Damn.
Thanks for replying... So nero express can take the ripped files and burn to a cd-r in VCD!!! So I don't really need dvd squeeze do I? Well thanks for responding to my cry for help...lol Thanks Dayasis