Hola Brain Trust I am now trying to get a movie I have backed up on my computer onto my Pocket PC. I want to get avi, mpeg1, or mpeg4 out of it. I can do it one file at a time in PSP Video 9, but I can not seem to find anything to convert to ONE file in the final output. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I keep reading and reading threads and this eludes me.
If it's a few VOB files you have, use VOB2MPG ( http://www.videohelp.com/tools?tool=VOB2MPG ) to join them into one mpeg - no re-encoding involved. When you have your mpeg use another program ( http://www.videohelp.com/tools?tool=SUPER_1 ) to convert to whatever format you require. Both programs are freeware.