pls can anyone help with what options to be used here in case of divx 5.2 pro with gknot 0.31 alpha, what should be the psychovisual enhancements, i want a high quality file,pls help me and will there be any other change in any other settings?
Hi buddy, Here is a good link You can get a very good file ~700MB. Good luck, you will learn and can get answers here on AD for other more specific questions in future. L8R
I don't know about any new techniques to use with the GK pack, because I still use the items from the DVD to DivX Guide. I am using DivX 5.2 and there is really no difference except the way it looks, but it's basically the same settings and stuff. There is a slight problem with it assuming that when you put a kbps, it wants to raise it for you for some unknown reason. I had to remake a movie 3 times because it was too big to fit on one CD, and I'm hoping that the third time is right.