DVD to DVD copying is fine....but takes up HD space..why?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by methman, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. methman

    methman Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Hi, I am a total newbie on this website; so I hope some of the more experienced can help me on my problem.

    I am using 1Click DVD Copy, and I've backed-up some of my movies. Everything works out and copies fine w/no problems. The only thing I'm confused about; is why 3-4 gigs of space is still being taken up on my HD?! I know some ppl. want to save it to their HD, but I don't want to. That's too much space being taken up on my computer.

    Why does it take up so much space on my HD? How do I free the space up on my computer. Please help me, anyone!!! Thanks in advance.
  2. bruwery

    bruwery Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    I'm new to all of this as well, so I'm not familiar with the program you're using, but to my knowledge all such DVD backup programs write files to the hard drive. It's a necessary intermediate step as data is analyzyed/encoded. PC's simply don't have enough active memory to store an entire DVD in RAM.

    While you can't prevent creation of the files, you can delete the files after the DVD is copied. There should be an indicator when you run the program that specifies where it's saving the files.

    If not, you can find them by searching in Windows Explorer. Look for anything with a .vob, .bup, or .ifo extension.

    Hope this helps.

  3. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    yes. it needs to make sort of a "picture" of the dvd to your hd 1st. then after its burned you can delete the file it made. a better program (s) to use is dvd shrink-(free) and burnatonce. dvd shrink not only shrinks it to fit a whole movie on a blank dvd which often you cant because blank dvds are not able to hold as much as a regular dvd but it takes copy protection out too. and its pretty simple esp if you ignore most options and just re encode to make the movie under 4.7 gb-(the size of a blank dvd)- then you load into burnatonce- (free)- i have better dvds if i use 1x record speed setting in burnatonce then just a few buttons in burnatonce which you can find all the guides for or i have directions i can send too. and your burning a copy protection free copy as good as original all with free software that ive never had even a hicup with. i believe from memory its change rec speed to 1- then click dvd video-add folder (be sure "folder contents only" is checked) then click compile. then click burn... a pop up will come up hit yes or ok and go. also... run nothing else while burning. but thats all from memory you may want the guides http://www.videohelp.com/guides just go to guides and change tools to dvd shrink and dvd to dvd. and -burnatonce has a guide on its website maby even in help in the program. its really very easy.
  4. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    I too am unfamiliar with this software, so I did a google search. Unfortunately not much help. You might try contacting the company to find out the default settings to find out where your movies are going on your HD,if you can't find them on your own.


    I'm not going to tell you that you need other software if what you have makes you happy, but if you do decide that you would like a little more control over how you backup your movies then you should consider dvdshrink. The software you have came free with copytodvd which works really well as a burning tool for shrink(my personal setup is shrink and copytodvd3).Plus shrink is free.


    Good luck with your problem and welcome to AfterDawn!

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2004
  5. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    Any software you use must use the HD to place a temporary folder with which to do it's work, it's like a workbench. When you're done you clean the bench off, same here, when you're done you erase the folder. If you don't clean your bench it eventually piles up til you run out of room. See the connection?

    The app will tell you where that folder is when you are using it. You either look to see where it's putting it, or create your own folder on your HD beforehand(that way you know where it's at)) and browse to that folder and insert it when your app's window opens to tell you where the temp folder is.

    This will happen whether you write to the HD or burn on the fly(disc to disc).

    The new shrink 3.2 is a free app which will rip, compress and/or edit(or re-author), but it will not burn. It needs another app to burn. It can be set to automatically burn with Nero or Decrypter(which is also free). You never have to open either of these apps, shrink will do it for you.

    You can download both shrink 3.2 and decrypter here in AD.

    Nero Ultra 6 is also free for each and every month, the entire month. It must be reloaded each month til you buy. It is a complete audio and video package that is well worth 59.00. It has an abudance of useful programs, not just one or two. The link for Nero Ultra 6 can also be found here in AD.

    I highly recommend trying the new shrink, with it's new quality settings, it's output is very impressive, it does take a little longer, but what's 45-60 min. more considering you'll have a quality backup that will last for years? if you don't want to spend the extra time, use regular settings and be done in 30-45 min.

    Here is a little quickie guide I wrote that tells you how to use shrink and burn with nero or decrypter:

    1-open shrink

    2-click on open disc, then choose your source video(disc)from your drive. If you're using files on your HD then click on open files and choose your folder with your source video files.

    3-wait for shrink to analyze(about a minute) and the new screen will come up

    4-here you can go into extras by clicking on the + mark.

    5-You can change compression on each or substitute still image for each until done. Each can be previewed in the preview window below.

    5a- you can raise compresssion or substitute a still image on all extras at once before you hit the + mark if so desired. By using the still image you maintain a working menu.

    6-if you only want the movie and don't care about a menu, hit re-author, when screen comes up click and drag anything from the right side to the left side that you want to keep and then you will go to set up the analyze and burn features.

    7-To set up burn w/nero: click on edit > preferences > fileI/O > enable burn with nero.

    Also here you can go to stream selections and choose english from both drop down menus, this will eliminate foreign audio tracks that can take up quite a bit of space.

    You also pick your DVD size here from the drop down menu. You can also choose custom and type in your size(I recommend 4300 to prevent burning to the edge). I would also recommend default for all other settings in the preferences window.

    8-hit backup

    9-under target device choose either file to your HD,or your burner. If you wish to burn with decrypter instead of nero, choose iso image file and burn with decrypter

    ****10-choose your temporary folder/ shrink will create this or you can make one(before you start) and name it and put it where you can find it.

    11- under quality settings(I use this if it's over 10% compression,you must make your own choices here, this will take much longer, but is worth every minute!)check deep analysis and adaptive error compensation. Some say extra smoothness delivers the best quality.

    12-hit OK and come back to a finished DVD, leave your PC alone, do not do anything on it while performing backup. No multitasking!

    I would add that leave menu alone if you want a working menu, and leave movie alone unless there are 2 movie titles, then pick the one you want(fullscreen or widescreen)and substitute a still image for the other one.

    I hope this helps....

  6. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    big o....
    as i said, his software came with copytodvd for free(according to the dozen or so ads i saw after doing a google).
    shrink has the ability to recognize copytodvd and use it to burn also. so why bother downloading nero? i'm not downing nero, but if what you got works well then go with it(IMO). i use copytodvd3 with shrink for all my backups. of course i have dial-up so i don't want to have to download nero every month.
  7. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    burn at once is really good and only a 3 or 4 button process too. it knows what files dvd shrink makes and that also makes it nice and easy.. its also free and the combo of shrink and burn at once are better and nearly as easy as dvd x copy. ive heard alot of probs with nero. but as the man said...if it works for ya dont mess w/it
  8. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    No one told him to download Nero, I only gave him the info so as to make an informed decision. I also told him about decrypter too. I also told him about shrink.

    You told him about shrink, you told him about coptodvd, what's the difference?

    Since you use copytoDVD you determine what software one should use and what software one shouldn't? My answer was directed to methman.

    I also told him why his HD was filling up and how to alleviate the problem. I also gave him a guide how to use the new shrink.

    One of the reasons I suggested he look at Nero wasn't just for Recode. Does CopytoDVD do:
    File conversion, Menu construction, DVD cover design, PC backup, audio needs, toolkit,not to mention two burning apps, and is the default burner for shrink?

    Problems with Nero? I've never had problems with Nero, 75% of this forum or more endorses Nero. Ultra 6 is a complete suite. I use these apps, not just go by hearsay, I have several apps designed to meet specific needs when I make a backup. I offer him a free way to check it out, him, not you. I gave him a choice, let him make up his own mind.

    To compare copytodvd and nero is apples to oranges.

  9. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Big O...
    I apoligize for not having read your post thoroughly. I was being hurried by the boss of the house...she gets testy when I butt into her comp. time.... and somehow managed to interpret your post as having told methman he needed to download your recomendations. I'm not saying you did this, but I do tire of people that say what you have sucks, get this instead, just because what the person is using isn't what everyone else is using.Hope you forgive me, as I do respect your opinions.
    I only told methman about shrink because copytodvd came free with his 1clickdvdcopy and shrink can auto burn with copytodvd. I wasn't trying to tell him copytodvd was better than nero... just that it works with shrink.
    I didn't answer his question about the files on his HD because I thought brewery did a sufficient job of that.
    I am curious as to what decryption device methman is using since 1clickdvdcopy can't copy encrypted movies. I'll admit that I am puzzled by 1clickdvdcopy. It advertises the ability to backup any movie with a simple click on its own, yet it comes with a separate burning program for free, and then you must download a dycryption program to backup protected movies. One review site did a little namedropping and used DVD43Free for their test of it. Of course that may be the software's recomended decryption utility... I don't know.
    Ok I've rambled enough. Again I'd like to send out a big "I'm sorry" to bigorange.
  10. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    zippyd, no problem, I may have replied a bit too hastily myself. I wasn't dissing anybody's software, only showing some different avenues and since shrink was mentioned, a little guide to help a beginner out.

    I have never subscribed to the theory that "one app for everything" cos I don't think that app has been made yet. Different apps for different situations. I also don't like to have people throw money on top of money, which is why I suggested shrink and/or Decrypter.

    Nero is the default burner for shrink and he can try it for free every month. After one uses it, one can decide whether to buy it. I don't like the "I've heard" bit. If one hasn't tried it then one shouldn't advise for or against it(talking about DVD backup software here). I personally try every app that I recommend or advise against.

    bruwery did a fine job of explaing files on the HD, I only used the workbench to clarify and tie it in with the shrink guide.

    Anyway, no problem, we've probably run methman off.lol
  11. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    wow , someone needs de- caff. it was never my intention to upset anyone. ive tried nero and couldnt get it going right . now that doesnt mean its no good. it just means that i prefer dvd shrink with burn at once its simple. granted... it took me 6 weeks to learn how to do this dvd thing in the first place and i learned it all from forums like this so im no expert. please dont take offence by anything i said. it was not meant as such and if it was...believe me... you would know it. i never throw the first punch- it was only meant as an alternative to anyone reading this not just him or the few people who commented. thats supposed to be the idea. and since i learned about these 2 easy programs that were all i could get to do what i wanted i just wanted to pass it on. jeez
  12. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    geddylee, if you are referring to my answers, I was talking to methman and zippyd. Nothing I said was directed at your post.

    Now that I have reread it I see were you said you heard nero could be problamatic. My comments had nothing to do with yours. If you don't like nero that's your choice (but i can assure you most problems with nero have to do with the user or their system.)

    you need to use what makes you happy. That's really all that matters. Please continue to pass on what you have learned, it's what makes this forum work.

    BTW, don't be so sensitive next time. LOL
  13. FlthyChry

    FlthyChry Guest

    It's been a while, but I'm pretty sure you can burn directly from disc to disc with Alcohol 120
  14. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    i wasnt sure if you or the other guy were talking to me anyway. no problem. absolutely people should use what works for them. for me that works and makes perfect copies. some newbie may see that combo and decide to try it. no offence taken or meant. and as a dvd shrink response...i tried the new one. has more options but more is more confusing too so i went back to the old one. ive still never had a movie i couldnt get to fit on one dvd and since it all works for me im not messing with my set up. why would you right ? thanks for taking the time to let me know i wasnt the target of that. i was pretty sure i wasnt anyway. it would still be a big help if someone could tell me a good program for converting avi to mpeg. i adjusted tmpge to load most but some still need converting-this is seperate from dvd to dvd...thats easy. this is for internet movies to vcd. i use fx mpeg writer now and it works but takes 15 -20 hours to convert. then i can tmpge it. then burn vcd with record now max. so if you know a better one... thanks- rob. (id also be glad to help anyone get the village,collareral,alien vs predator or whatever)
  15. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    ok, glad things a clearer now. When I tried to help methman and did a google search the most useful information that I could find was at this link:


    I wanted to give that just in case anybody wants a peek at what 1clickdvdcopy's interface looks like.

    bigorange.. I do plan to experiment with Nero soon. Cable internet is on my agenda and then I don't think it will be such a nuisance to download it every month. In fact I'll be experimenting with lots of new apps.
  16. bigorange

    bigorange Active member

    Apr 28, 2004
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    the reason I don't prefer 1click DVDCopy is because it will not allow you to reauthor or edit your DVD.It raises compression, the longer the movie or more extras, the more compression. The more compression the less the quality. For me personally it wouldn't matter because I have DvdReMake which I could use 1st, then run it thru 1clickDVDCopy. but I won't recommend it to a newbie.

    Most people want the best quality they can get for their movie,I like to take out certain extra features and/or raise compression on them to lower compression on the main movie thus raising it's overall quality. I may want to keep some extras(deleted scenes, outtakes, alternate endings,etc.)but not all. Apps like nero recode and shrink allow you to do this.

    geddylee, there are many apps for avi to mpeg conversion. you didn't specify whether mpeg2 or mpeg4 so here is a URL that has many tools for all types of DVD and file conversion. Just use the drop down menu for what you want(type of conversion) and hit enter:

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small][​IMG] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SO[/small]
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2004
  17. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Trust me I'm not promoting 1clickdvdcopy. This is the first time I've even heard of it. I just provided the link for others who've never heard of it to be able to see what we're talking about. From the screenshots that I saw it seems it really offers no control over what you do and don't keep. I won't be trying it anytime soon.
  18. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Trust me I'm not promoting 1clickdvdcopy. This is the first time I've even heard of it. I just provided the link for others who've never heard of it to be able to see what we're talking about. From the screenshots that I saw it seems it really offers no control over what you do and don't keep. I won't be trying it anytime soon.

    [bold] sorry for the double post... i got a "website not responding error" and clicked retry so i guess the information got sent twice. any mods feel free to remove the extra here. [/bold]
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2004
  19. bruwery

    bruwery Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    I'm now using a free program called "Guaranteed to Copy any DVD With Perfect Quality Every Time Using Only One Click Regardless of Your Hardware Configuration." It has solved all my problems. Hee, hee, hee! If you deposit $50,000 into my Paypal account, I'll tell you how to access the software...

    But seriously, folks, after a long trial and error learning process (and a lot of reading on these forums), I'm using a combination of DVDShrink 3.2, DVD43, DVD Decryptor, and Nero 5.something-or-other. Using these four programs in various combinations, I've successfully backed up about 25 DVD's, and best-of-all, I've spent no money on software. However, I haven't found one exclusive combination that works for every DVD. One combo will work fine on one DVD, and on the next it will just plain bomb. I've seen many different error messages, and many blue screens.

    For example - if a DVD doesn't need to be shrunk - I've found that DVDShrink-burn with Nero usually can't handle it for me. It coughs up an out of memory error partway through the encoding process. I don't know why, since it works fine on larger DVD's, and I can't seem to solve the problem in spite of all the great advice out here (I've screwed around with virtual memory, defragmentation, reinstallation, yada yada yada), so in these cases, I've found I can use DVD Decryptor in ISO mode for the whole process. It's easier than investing another several hours trying to "fix the bug".

    However, sometimes DVD Decryptor in ISO mode gives me a scrambled movie. In these cases, I use Decryptor in file mode, then burn it using Shrink and the burn with Decryptor option. (I can't burn it using Decryptor in ISO mode, but I can burn it with Decryptor in file mode via Shrink even though I think the software converts it back into ISO mode in the process.) It's weird. I'm sure some of you are reading this and saying - that doesn't make sense - he's typed something wrong, but I've doublechecked my text and it's true. I don't know why it works that way, but at this point, whatever works is great, and I'm not spending a lot of time questioning why.

    My system will probably be obsolete before I figure it out, anyway.

    There are other combinations I use as well. It all depends on the way a particular DVD and software seem to interact. Most of the time now, I can see the signs of failure prior to actually making a coaster. If I'm suspicious, I burn it to an RW disk first. In every case where I've been suspicious, my suspicions were correct. I made three coasters in my first 15 tries, but I've rattled off about ten DVD's in a row without a coaster now, so maybe I'm getting the hang of it...

    I'm sure as I burn more I'll learn more.

    The point of all of this is there simply doesn't seem to be any one-size-fits-all solution. There is a lot of advice out on these forums, from several people who clearly have quite a bit of experience with these matters. In spite of their successes, however, a lot of it doesn't work for me. It doesn't make the advice wrong, it just means my setup is different (or I'm too dim-witted to understand it).

    What I've found is that regardless of the combo I use, it never takes more than a few mouse clicks, so at this point I've opted not to invest a lot more time to figure out how to further simplify it. I don't plan on making a living doing this; I'm merely going to back up one or two hundred disks and declare victory. I feel I can better serve society by continuing my quest for "The Perfect Beer".

    Somebody reading this may look at my software combination and come back with "that is silly, what a drunken idiot, here's an idea that would be much simpler". Believe me, I welcome such feedback. However, I think each one of us has a unique computer configuration, and each one behaves a little differently. It's a difficult thing to accept, because we live in a world where we expect each PC to obey our rules and function exactly like every other machine. My life has gotten much better since I've accepted the fact that my computer gets PMS sometimes.

    From what I've read, some problems seem to be caused by XP Service Pack 2, some by software, some by hardware issues, some by cheap write media, some by outdated firmware, etc, etc, etc.

    I guess we've made computers and software way too human... They're moody, unique, and sometimes unpredictable.

    The point of this rambling story - if there is a point - is that these forums are great. Find advice and try the advice. In most cases, the advice will help with a particular situation, but if it worked in every case, this website wouldn't exist...

    Anyway, I'm still rather new to this, and I don't expect to ever be the leading authority on DVD backups, but hopefully I'll glean enough knowledge from my trials and tribulations to contribute something moderately useful to others now and then.

    The best advice I can give is - unless you plan on devoting your life to DVD copying - don't blow a bunch of money on software until you've exhausted all your free options.

    Sorry for the lengthy post - I tend to ramble at times...

    For the record, the relevant components of my system are:
    Dell Dimension 4600, 2.66 gHz, 30 GB hard drive, 512 MB RAM.
    Windows XP Professional
    Optorite DD2201 DVD and CD Drive/Burner
    ATI All-in-Wonder 9000, or 8000, or 8600, or 9600, or something like that. Heck, I don't know what it is.

  20. geddylee1

    geddylee1 Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    well, not to go back to this but if anyone has even SOME dvds that dont go i can tell you that for me... and this is dvd to dvd only i have backed up well over 200 with dvd shrink. the older one. and a free program called burn at once. never had a problem. wait.. i take that back...the matrix had too much info for me to get it right but that was my fault i think. i copy and burn in an hour

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