Recently I burned a DVD using DVD Flick. It plays OK on the computer but on a standalone it says invalid disk. Tried to decode (?) it using Shrink and target files to a folder as an ISO. Then burned the ISO files using Imgburn. Still no luck. What can I do next? Tks.
On this player I opened hundreds! The disc was a DVD RW as a test otherwise I scrap tens of them ha ha. I always use this procedure and it works but sometimes an odd one crops up.
hi just posted this may be of help to you recently tried to play copied dvd on dvd player some would not play with bad type error but they all played ok on my pc and laptop. Did the usual change of media even bought a new dvd burner and different software but still same problem then i looked at the volume label of my copies that played and those that did not i noticed any that had the underscore character or numbers in did not play in the dvd player when doing a strait copy it takes on the label of the original So as a test case i tried reburning a copy again as before and tried it and it was not playable in the dvd player as before Then i did a copy of the copy which did not play in the dvd player i changed the save folder to a single name similar but not the one suggested by the dvd volume and i stopped the process after the vob files had been created on the hard drive I then started nero and burnt the vob files as before but this time in nero before burning i set the volume label of this blank dvd as NEW the nero default and like magic this next copy worked in all the 3 dvd players we have and the pc ok so it seems dvd players are fussy about the volume label they read at start up so dont go changing media and the like before trying setting the volume label to a single name the other working dvds were on the same media but had single names as their volume labels its worked for me so this dispells all the rumours of bad media and burner problems and software problems as i tried them all and still had the same problem that problem has gone now i have just single name volume labels on the dvd i could experiment more but if it works leave it alone i say So check the volume label of your dvd that dont play on the dvd player but are ok on a pc to see if what i say is correct