dvd x copy gold vs. platinum- and Roxio 6

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by cdkrogers, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. cdkrogers

    cdkrogers Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    I'm pretty new at burning dvd's, so I'm in need of some help here.
    I wanted to know the difference between the dvd x copy gold and platinum. If I buy platinum, is it only downloadable or can I get it on disk.
    I basically want to backup my dvd's onto one disk with the best quality.
    I have Roxio 6, and I can't backup my movie dvd's with it. Is there any way I can change some settings and use Roxio at all for this?
    Thanks for all the help!
  2. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    Platinum is the newer version which will allow you to copy DVD`s with episodes. Gold is the same version of Express but the DVDXcopy version is the older version. Platnium would be better then gold as the Gold version is basically the same as just Express as it also allows full copyies.
    Yes Platinum is available on a Disc, you can order it that way.
    But if you can also download Decrycter and shink from this website software section and burn to disk with Roxio or anything.
    But Platinum is a really good lazy one click way to copy and type of DVD to one or two DVD`s
  3. 72morgan

    72morgan Regular member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    Prisoner , You left out a couple of important facts. Decrypter and DVDShrink are FREE . Why should you pay $60 to $120 for X Copy or Platinum?? When you can get the others for FREE ?? Well DVD Shrink needs a program like NERO 6.0 that costs $70 to burn the discs. Other people on this forum like DVD2One. DVD2One costs $40 & also needs a $70 program like Nero to burn the discs. There is a lot of discussion about which one is better , which one is easier , which one has the better picture quality. But there is one thing they will NEVER tell you!!!!!

    Because of the DMCA here in the USA , it is illegal to download use or have in your possesion: DVD Decryptor , DVD Shrink or Smartripper. DVD2one will not work without DVD Decryptor or Smartripper. With the European version of the DMCA , getting passed into law across the EU. It is illegal to even ask questions on a forum like this about DVD Decryptor , DVD Shrink or Smartripper in Germany.

    So when all is said and done there is not that much difference in price between the different burning programs, just how they do it. If lazy means easy then X Copy & Platinum are easy to use.

    Oh , there is one other thing they won`t tell you on this forum......You will sleep a lot better at night if you buy X Copy or Platinum !!! You wont have to worry that some day a subpoena will show up on your door step from the MPAA, like the one that 12 year old girl got from the RIAA !!!!!

    That FREE software may cost you $2000 or more !!!!

    One last item some of the money from X Copy & Platinum goes here :


    It pays for the lawyers who are fighting for your right to make copies for YOUR personal use.
  4. 72morgan

    72morgan Regular member

    Dec 1, 2002
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    Brand new Today :


    CloneCD moves Antigua

    Elaborate Bytes, the company behind CloneCD announced last night that they will sell the rights of CloneCD to an antiguan company, because developing tools such as CloneCD is virtually impossible in European Union after the EUCD legislation has been put in place in EU countries.

    This is ElBy's press release:

    Cham, 2003-09-11 - As a reaction to the new Copyright Law in Europe, Elaborate Bytes AG has to stop the distribution of CloneCD. The new law, which will come into force in Germany in the next days, will prohibit to copy protected media - even for private use.

    CloneCD will neither be available as a boxed version in the big stores nor as an online version from Switzerland. Bilateral contracts between Switzerland and most of the European countries prohibit the sale from Switzerland to the respective countries.

    Elaborate Bytes AG will sell the rights of CloneCD to SlySoft, a company located on Antigua. Only the online version of CloneCD will be available for sale on the Internet. The price will approximately stay the same and the clients of Elaborate Bytes will keep their one-year free update rights.

    At this point the team of Elaborate Bytes will say thank you for the long-standing loyality of its costumers and hopes that the new products will lead to the same satisfaction ;-)

    elby - Working Software for lazy people!
  5. Prisoner

    Prisoner Guest

    72morgan thanks for clearifying my post. After reading it again, yes I left out lots of information. I did not know DVD Decryptor , DVD Shrink or SmartRipper are illegal in the USA. I am Canadian, so doesn't worry me too much. I brought them up as I was implying but not stating that they were free. I do prefer DVDxCopy as a back up utility and I say lazy, as it dosen't give you very much control over how you copy. I liked DVDxCopy 1.52 as it tells me the size, how many tracks and allows previews. DVDxPress doesn't do that, it is one click only. Platium so far has a good simple (DVDxPress version) loaded into it, but the Advanced setup seems to fail on me right at the end. But I am still learning it.
    I would recomend DVDxCopy Platium and the free upgrades are amazing.
  6. cdkrogers

    cdkrogers Member

    Sep 9, 2003
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    Thanks for all of the input. It clears things up for me.

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