I just bought DVD X COPY PLATINUM and have had a problem running it. Myself and my friend who are both programmers are having a problem gettting the program to work. We installed it registered it and attempted to run it. After the licensing screen we get the screen which tells you not to copy DVDs unless you own the DVD. After you hit the accept button the program bombs with a General Protection Fault please contact Vendor if the problem persists. I cannot return the program because I bought it from a place that does not allow return of software which I didn't realize when I bought it there so I really need it to work. Does anybody have any suggestions. I am running WINDOWS 98SE which 128 Megs of memory, a 120 GIG Harddrive and a MicroAdvantage DVD 4X drive as well as a SAMSUNG DVD drive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, especially the new vesion of Shrink. I believe the minimum RAM is 256 MB. I think I have seen some posts where people were running 128 MB, It worked but it was taking hours to process. Im looking at the box my Nero 6 came in, It says: 64MB RAM, 128MB RAM for video editing. I would go to the websites where these programs are supported and look at system requirements.
Is it compatible with win98?, also 128RAM sounds too little. I use XP & 1gig RAM. I have encountered few problems. Have you looked in the logs. Access C drive/progam files/321studios/platinum icon/logs. This should give you a run down of what is going on.