has anyone purchased this product and how does it work? Is anyone still using their old Platinum to back up movies? Mine has stopped working (I assume it is the new sony protection).
I used to love my X-copy, since I bought CloneDvd2 & AnyDvd it hasn't really had a look in. The new version is WAY too expensive, especially as you have to activate it if you do a flatten. I flatten my PC every 6 months or so, I could not be bothered to chase up another activation product. I only activate my Platinum so as it is there if I need it, & I paid a lot of money for it, so I want to have it! If I had to go through the whole farce of shelling out a load of money I want to activate it when I want, not when someone else says! Saying all that, the ticket system does work very well, but why should I have to chase activations? Alcohol software has to be activated now, if I'd known that I would not have bought it. SlySoft is by far & away the best way of reliable burns & regular updates.
So you have no trouble copying DVD's with clone and anydvd? I already purchased anydvd 2 months ago....so guess I'll go for clone too. I agree with you about the 321 products. I also format every 6 months and the last time I did, my activation would not work, and the international site said they could not help me, even though I purchased BOTH express and platinum and had full licenses and customer IDs. They said they did not support activation from the original 321 studios.
That is strange, I got mine from 321 studios, & had no trouble getting them activated with the ticket system!
Here is their message: 11/05/05 23:07 CSN: Date_Activated: 05/15/03 Date_Purchased: 05/15/03 LicenseID: 3204272 Product: DVD X Copy PLATINUM Vendor: USA Version: V4.0.4.15 RF Rachel 11/06/05 07:44 We are not the former 321 Studios or DVD X Copy. As you might know, 321 Studios is now out of business. We are not responsible for any rebates, refunds or guarantees offered by the former 321 Studios or DVD X Copy. The activations may or may not work on the DVD X Copy software that other resellers have sold or are now selling, but the activations work fine for the software we are selling. If you are having activation problems and you purchased from our website, we will be able to help you activate it or we will give you a full refund. We will do our best to trouble shoot any technical problems you might have with the software, even if you did not purchase from us. This includes any and all support issues that you might encounter after the software is activated on you computer. If it is already activated, we will do our best to help you. If you are experiencing an activation error 100, rejected by server, or any other activation problem, and you can’t log into your account, it is beyond our control. If your License ID has been deactivated, we cannot turn it back on. We do not have the capability to fix, activate or refund a License ID and Password that you purchased from any other reseller. Best regards, Supports
Did you have a look here, 'cos that is where I went; http://www.dvdxcopy-international.ca/support.html They helped me out a couple of times, PS I would remove your licence number from your post, someone else might use it!! Failing that I would just get SlySofts' combo, they are cheap, you do not need to activate (you get an activation key, you keep it on a floppy or a CD to keep it safe. So if you have to flatten your PC, you do not have to go through the whole activation farce!), I've had nothing but success with this software, I am sure you will not be disappointed!
I got a patch for X-copy Platinum (Which I paid big money for) and it worked for a short time. Then it became unregistered. When I entered my user and key codes I got a message back that I had used the limit of activations (Which was not true because I had only activated it twice). As far as I'm concerned, the patch stole my key code and now my copy is done. I've heard of patches for games stealing key codes but not for other software. In any case, the software is dead.
oh questor questor questor, why did you purchase x copy, naughty naughty. all you need is anydvd and clonedvd, which has excellent customer support, and all updates all the time. x-copy has terrible cust. support and there product is poo-poo (nice way of saying it). i used to have xcopy and boo on them.