I have posted before on another thread - somewhere but can't find it. I did not ask for notification so here goes again. Using DVD1Click and DVD43(?) I copied some episodic (?) TV series. All worked fine on play back. Today when I went to copy another set I could not get my copier DVD1Click and DVD43 to work. It went through the sequence of copying and finally stated that the copying was done but when I went to play back the copy there was nothing there. On one of the disks the introduction was recorded, on another my lap top would not even recognize that there was a disk in the player. It just rejected the disk and popped it out. I used my lap top (Mac) as my play back machine and this worked fine before. I noticed one thing,however, that was different with the new copies. There were "burn" marks on the outer edge of the new disks. There were no such "burn" marks on the previous copies that worked. Does this mean anything? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Dennis