hey all I've reccomended my school to purchase the retail version of CCE 2.67, for our misc video processing/conversions. Back at home, trying to figure it up, i browsed this site and found out i have to have another program called DVD2SVCD and that it's the best. I ran those both, and although it requested CCE 2.5 i pointed it to my CCE 2.67. I ran a test AVI -> DVD conversion. Everything went OK, till it got to the part where its supposed to convert the video itself. It opened the encoder, did some stuff with it, and there was a conversion dialog for 2 seconds, closed everything and again opened and again the conversion dialog. Now it would put up an error "could not open CCE_movie_information .vaf" and would just stuck in an endless loop. I looked at some forums and no answer. if DVD2SCVD can't work with retail, i'd like a reccomendation for another program that works with CCE as its encoder, no matter the price (school pays =P).