I have been burning dvds sucessfully using DVDShrink in conjunction with DVD43 as in the guide. Now, when I go to backup a DVD, I get a message saying DVD43 has expired. Iwas under the impression it was "Freeware" The company states I meed to purchace one of their upgraded($$$) copy utilities. And after that DVD may still not be compatible. Any way around all this Shite? Thanks
If your are using DVD Shrink - you do not need DVD43. DVD43 only provides some extra insurance that in the main is not needed. I use three basic programs: - shrink, nero and decyrpter. Basically all I want done can be done with Shrink and Nero - do not even have DVD43 on my system. Throw DVD43 in the recycle bin - it is not necessary.
DVD43 v2.0.0.71 http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd43.cfm Version 2.0 is not freeware anymore, though. If you're OK with Patin-Couffin driver and looking for the freeware solution, please check out version 1.4. DVD43 v1.4 http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/dvd43.cfm Patin-Couffin Access Layer v19 needed for DVD43 v1.4. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/patin-couffin.cfm
I have DVD43, DVD Shrink, Nero Express (which allows me to burn from DVD Shrink). But before I installed DVD43, I was getting errors for copyright and region violations. DVD43 fixed this. I assume if I ditch 43, then the problem will arise again. Does "decrypter" take care or that? What is the actuall name, and could you point me in the right direction for it?
DVD Decrypter - program and guides available from home page on this site (free) Try: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/small_dvd_2_dvdr.cfm
colw dvd43 comes in handy for allowing a NTSC movie to be read by a pal region burner. Not all burners have region free firmware available. Im wondering if there is any free tool that has the same functionality. DVD Decrypter doesnt count as it is an added step (rip iso/file to harddrive then open shrink)In fact im not sure dvd decrypter does this. I want to do it in one step with say dvd43, or clone of, running in background. I have found that patin coufin 1.7 causes errors with win xp when it tries to enter standby. Having upgraded to patin couffin 1.9 from afterdawn but yet to discover if this has fixed the problem, if anyone knows of a free tool that doesnt require patin drivers but offers the same function it would be much appreciated. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Intel Celeron 1.8 512mb ram HP dvd300e Sony DRU-510AK 40gb Samsung 120gb Maxtor --------- PS2 v9 SatinSilver Magic V modchip[/small]
Hi Deadcat Cannot really answer your question - I live in a Region 4 (PAL) - Australian locality I have a Pioneer OEM 106D burner and have never had problems with region codes etc. The only programs I generally use are DVD Shrink and Nero 6... whatever. Have used DVD Dycrypter occasionly just to try out some ISO stuff. Have ripped/encoded/burnt several hundred DVD's without any problems. Not quite sure what DVD43 does that cannot be done with Shrink/Decrypter but to date I have no need to download or use it.
Colw im in west Aust, dvd43 allows you to back up ntsc encoded movies (imports) on a region 4 burner. You do this if your standalone is ntsc/pal compatible which mine is (saves me having to reencode and change from ntsc to pal). However shrink wont do this by itself, hence need for dvd43....but i keep getting an error with dvd43's patin couffin driver and am too tight to pay for anything that i only use once in a blue moon
I've been using DVD43 ver 2.0 with ICOPYDVD'S2. Was working fairly well at least on older DVD's. When I tried to copy the newest releases the DVD burner wouldn't recognize the blank dvd. Now I received the 30 day expire warning, so I came back here. I uninstalled the 2.0 version and downloaded the 1.4 version, yet when I try to use it I still get the unregistered warning that says my 30 day trial has expired. We are talking extreme newbie here and I haven't got a clue. I had thought about going to the shrink program but looks a lot more complicated to use.
About $20.00 (USD) Flip218 Problem fixed on XP Pro. Not for Free - Welcome to our little Club deb432002, The answer to your question is that you weren't able to do a clean install of DVD43 2.0 - Files still are in your registry. You might try a good quality System proggy like System Mechanic ver. 4.0 Here's a link for a 30-day free trial - http://www.iolo.com/index.cfm?pid=0...64F&adid=19CF2972-D8DC-437C-A4BF-AAB6A1AFB23B Here is another one, RegClean, it works pretty well too - http://www.docsdownloads.com/regclean.htm Once that stuff is cleaned out, you'll get no more messages Pete
what fixed it pete?? v1.9 is still stuffing up system standby on XP-Home, iv just learnt to live with it
Pete, Hi, thanks for the welcome and the advice. I have Win-XP home ed. , I have PC Dr. installed on this and heaven only knows what else. Would that fix it? I thought when you uninstalled a prog. it got rid of all the files. This is the first comp. like this I've had at home and I'm lost. My brother was helping me by remote assist but he's having connect probs with his new setup, and working 18 hrs a day, so if I want this straightened out in the near future I need all the help I can get.
Pete, Sorry forgot to ask a question. When you go to that DVD43 site, if you want to buy it, it lists one of them as $20, but there are at least 2 ver. I think it is the copylite ver. that is $20. How do I know which version is the one I want? Also as I said before it was only working on the older dvd's. The new ones will copy but when you put the blank in the driver either won't recognize it or I get a message saying it's formatted wrong. Also what is a patin driver and do I need one?
Haven't had any problem w/ system going on "Standby" (on command) OR hibernate - since I started with version 1.9 Patin-Cauffin drivers for my DVD43. I was also having difficulties with the Patin-Cauffin driver’s version 1.7 drivers "P" Nope, especially the stuff you try - they want to keep reminding you until you finally give in and buy the proggy PC Doctor might do it deb432002, check it to see if it has what you need, - you need a registry cleaner - That's not the true DVD43 site - let me explain - originally DVD43 was named such because it was "for" (4) free (3) - say it fast - 43, = for free A company got hold of it and added permanent drivers so it didn't need the Patin-Cauffin drivers the original required. They also made it so that it worked on "Macrovision encryption" which the original didn't. Why didn't guy # 1 go after the infringing company - it's a question of $$$ - a single person can't stand against a "funded identity." To answer your query, I personally wouldn't purchase that proggy at all ! A far better proggy is AnyDVD which also works in the background and works on more things, better (in my opinion) than do many others including RegionFree DVD. AnyDVD costs between $29.00 - $39.00(USD) but it is worth it For your next question - As I said, DVD43 is for free so here is the link for it AND the Patin-Cauffin drivers you'll need for it (it's about the middle of the page ) http://www.mrbass.org/dvdrip/ Check out AnyDVD, you can get a 30-day free trial for that also - Here's the link: http://www.slysoft.com/en/anydvd.html Enjoy, Pete
Thanks Pete, I'll try the AnyDVD, as I said the DVD43 wasn't working all that great for me anyway. It did work for most of the older dvds, but not the newer ones. Thanks again, Deb
Deb, Try AnyDVD by all means - BUT, considering the cost of the FREE DVD43 (the one I gave you the link for), put that one on too - Don't forget your regclean cheers, Pete
Hi Pete, I downloaded AnyDVD. Worked great for reading the dvd but I ran into the same problem I was running into with DVD43. It copies alright but when you put the blank dvd in the dvd burner doesn't recognize it. It's like you didn't put one in. Any ideas?
Well after having started all this mess....I was looking around these fine forums, and found the answer.... Here is te link with the discussion: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/86719 and here is the link to the correct DVD43. http://dvd43.com/ So Sayeth the forum.
I am quite the Newbie here, but I have been reading the forums for a little while and have some good info, but a question as well. If you are getting the 30 days experation warning on DVD43, uninstall it, then simply go into Crogram files and delete the DVD43 folder. This will allow you to download and use ver. 1.4 at www.DVD43.com . However, there is still something in there somewhere that prevents you from trying to use ver. 2 again. Don't forget to get the Patin_couffin driver at http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/patin-couffin.cfm Now, my problem is that I was running Xpress RF with DVD43 and PCouffin installed and I started getting the CSS warning out of nowhere after buring for quite a while even though I get the green Smiley. Uninstalled everything and reinstalled and no luck. Stopped using Symantec virus scan, but still no luck . Any suggestions?