Eli kun käynnistän dvdfabin, niin mokkulan yhteys katkee. yrittänyt katsoa dvdfabin asetuksista mut ei apua. osaisko joku auttaa?
löyty apu. Open My Computer Check what's the drive letter for your modem (should be easy to spot on the large icon view) Open Disk Management with one of these ways: Start > Run > type "diskmgmt.msc" (without the quotes) and press ENTER On Win7, press the Win key or click the Windows logo and type "disk" (without quotes), you should find something like "Create and format disk partitions" There are other ways, sorry I won't try to list each possible one Locate the drive letter for your modem Right-click on it, there should be an option like "Change drive letter", click it It will show another window with the letters the drive is using, probably just one, if you didn't customize it in any way. Select each one of them and click "Remove" "Magic" is done, you can close the program if you do not intend to use the modem's drive letter again. Open DVDFab, go do your rips and happily keep on browsing during the process. I hope, it worked for me.
saisiko saman suomennettuna jos mahdollista....lol eli levyhallintaan ja sieltä muuta mokkulan asematunnus muuksi,niin pitäisi toimia vai...