hi i downloaded the free version of dvdfab hd decrypter, but it doesn't come w/a dvd5 option. i want to compress and then burn to a single layer disc. on the guide it shows you both dvd 9 and dvd 5 option but on actual program it doesn't have it. i already have shrink, but need dvdfab for w/e shrink can't decrypt. post back and let me know if there's a version out there i can download or any other suggestion regarding this. thnx.
the dvd fab platinum version is an all in one or you can just use dvd fab to rip dvd shrink to transcode then burn with nero or dvd decrypter http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/
thnx. is dvdfab platinum freeware? or does it have to be purchased? if free where can i download it from that's a safe site? if straight from dvdfab's site then what's the procedure in doing so?
DVDFab HD Decrypter is the free version and will only rip the WHOLE DVD (DVD-9_)! when you use Shrink you can just choose to use the main title or all it's extras! Your choice. If you want DVDFab Platinum then you will have to buy it..... no pirating allowed on this site..... so please don't ask for a secure site to download pirated versions of programs! Read the forum rules and it's better coming from a member than a MOD and closing down your thread!
good heads up. i thought there was a free version of platinum. i just saw it on their site it's a free trial only. dvdfab hd decrypter does allow to copy main movie only. i've used it already w/shrink and imgburn. i just need to know how i could set shrink to delete the main copy from dvdfab after it compresses it, if that's possible? i can do it w/imgburn. that's no problem. i just don't want to have to go back and manually delete 2 files if i don't have to.
AFAIK there is no option in DVD Shrink that will auto delete the old files once the new ones have been created. Have you been throught the options to see for yourself?
hi loco. yes i've been through the options and also the guides here in the forum. no option for deleting old files after transcoding. maybe this might be a good suggestion for upcoming versions. oh well not so bad to go back and quickly delete old files. on that note, is the decrypting shrink uses enough for most of the dvd's out there, or is dvd 43 going to have to be added once in a while? as a matter a fact does dvd 43 in anyway interfere w/shrink's ability to decrypt on its own. i never thought about that. yesterday was the first time i used shrink w/out dvd 43 and it held up good. it was by mistake as i was in a rush. i know dvdfab warns you to uninstall dvd 43 as it may cause it to not function properly.
dr_ml422 dvd shrink has not be updated in a long time. so most of us only use it to compress the movie to fit a dvd5. so in turn with that said i use dvd fab to rip the disc to hd the open shrink to compress and burn with nero. here a good link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 keep in mind dvdfab (freeware) removes the cp edit spelling
dvdfab (freeware) removes the cp edit spelling? i'm new to most of the jargon or terms associated w/burning, ripping, proggies. don't know what you mean. can you explain this please? thnx for the tip on shrink. i thought it was updated a couple of months ago though? anyway went through spiderman 3 w/no problem, and sony makes the disc for spidey 3. you know how they've been about ripping.
dump dvd43 conflits with to many programs use anydvd or dvd fab decrypter instead for ripping and dvd shrink hasn't been and never will be updated again. so dvd shrink can still do some newer movies but it will have trouble with most of them without help if you want to use a really easy program try clonedvd 2 + anydvd free 21 day trial
thnx ZoSoIV for that tip on dvd 43 and also the links to that guide page on your previous post and to clone dvd 2 and any dvd. i'll check these out soon. also want to thank borntoride for that link to the ripping-burning guide in the forum. i'll post back w/any new concerns and also w/results to the suggestions given here.
read though the guides try the different methods and ost back if you have any problems. remember to use good media like Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim burning no faster than 8x max also
yeh i'm using dvdfab also. the extra second or two deleting the vts folder left behind by dvdfab and shrink isn't so bad after all. i just like that added delete feature some proggies have like imgburn.
dr_ml422 cp stands for copyprotection there are so many way to do back ups. i am cheap so i like freeware.. which is the link i gave above.. stick around and learn alot. i been here a year now and learned so much. many great and freindly people in AD
yeh thnx, bornto ride for that link to afterdawn's guide on those free proggies. i'm doing pretty good so far. learning new applications. you know afterdawn has a page dedicated to guides, software, and news. it requires adobe to open it up. i don't have adobe. i did a clean up of my pc w/a power user guide so i'm a lil hesitant to add anything that would be a resource hog and slow my pc down. zo gave me the link. is adobe a resource hog that you know of? is it really required for future opening of certain pages. i'm ok w/the guides so far from the forum. any input is appreciated as always.
Adobe should be fine and I know who you are talking about giving you the "lean and mean" advice....his practices are a little on the strict side and should be taken with a grain of salt. Add your programs and applications one at a time and try them out to see if they are effecting the performance of your PC in a way that would make you unhappy. I'm not knocking chewy's advice as he is very good at what he does, but he tends to go to the extreme and not everything is necessary.
loco thnx. that lean n mean did clear a lot of stuff up and my pc is running faster. remember though i have an entry level pc from dell. the e310. so it was relative to my situation. disabling auto play as suggested here was awesome. it was a pita. i agree totally about everything you mentioned. i have cdex and burrrn. great proggies. need to read up on cdex a lil more to find out how to create a file so that i can just add it to burrrn. i've been having to select 1 track and then selecting the rest w/shift to add to burrrn. i know there's an easier way.
I doubt it...that is how I do it. Actually I select the top file while holding the shift key and then Shift+Ctrl and select the bottom file.
thnx loco i figured that was most likely the case. almost like build mode in imgburn. i finally figured out it was the vts folder itself that had to be built. i was adding files like you said and it did build them, but they would show up on my dvd player as well as the folder. no problem as my stand alone plays just about everything, but couldn't do nothing w/it elsewhere. i got to catch up to lightening's guide which he led me to. i think he makes up a vts folder so you could add any dvd file, build it and then burn it. many of us have had a bit of a trying time figuring build mode out. i think that's like the only area where maybe a future update can do some justice to imgburn. other than that it's an excellent program. hands down.