I have a couple of movies that were downloaded as a series of .dvdr files. I used HJ-Split to join them into one big .dvdr file but I can't open or view the file(s) and I can't burn them to a DVD. I've tried: Nero Ultra 7 Roxio Creator 8 DVD Shrink DVD Decypter DVD Santa Clone DVD2 123 Copy DVD Apollo DVD Copy WinAVI Converter VSO AVI to DVD Converter All of them say 'unexpected file format'. 'no video files found' or a similar error message. Any ideas? What am I doing wrong?
These movies came as 70+ individual .dvdr files so one would think they'd have to be one file to burn. But, regardless, I tried it each way and nothing I have will recognize these files either separately or joined.
So you have VIDEO_TS folder (or its files)? http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/burning_dvd_with_nero.cfm
All I have are files. In one case, 93 of them that are 47 K each with a file name that reads like this: xyzdvd-mobydick-ntsc-dvdr I have 2 movies like this. I joined one twogether using HJ-Split and now I have one big file of 4.37 gigs that I can't burn or use. The other, as I've said, is 93 smaller files I can't use.
So extension of them would be 001, 002, 003... You need to unrar them using WinRar. Open first one with winrar and it will show that that rar-archive is all about. EDIT: not 100% sure, but I think 7-Zip can unrar them also...
More: When you left-click and then click open, the message reads, 'Windows cannot open this file' and send you to the EXT site - which provides no answers, no listing for .dvdr files.
But we need to know what files they are... so what comes after xyzdvd-mobydick-NTSC-DVDR.??? EDIT: Did not see that before... so where did u dl it and using what software?
Solved my problem - finally. I combined all the individual .dvdr files into one large file using HJ-Split. Then I converted this file to an ISO file using Magic ISO. I then burned that file to a DVD using Roxio 8's DVD burner. Works like a champ.