dvdr skipping freezing problem

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by marcsorr, Feb 9, 2004.

  1. marcsorr

    marcsorr Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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    Ive seen alot of posts about dvd backups skipping on standalone dvd players. Alot of replys say its cheap media, but Im not so sure.
    My player(Daewoo 5800) used to skip all the time on dvdr. I updated the firmware and have never had any problems since.
    Can the firmware make the dvd player read bad media better?
    I have about 75 copies that play fine now, never used a blank that cost more than 60 cents on ebay.
    I use DvdShrink and nero sometimes, other times I use Dvdxcopy.
    My computer is a Gateway P3 450. (Dvdxcopy isnt even supposed to work on less than 500)

    So I have a crappy computer, use crappy disks, and various programs, but the problem all came down to firmware on the dvd player. I suggest all with this problem update their firmware before spending more on media or a better computer.

    Then again Im a newbie, but its worth a try.

  2. Ketale

    Ketale Regular member

    Dec 1, 2003
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    Yes they can, that's what they do (among other things).
    So basically it still is a bad media issue, in your case you were lucky and you got your problem fixed with a firmware update. But crappy media will maybe not work in your friends players, plus it might be that the data from crappy media just disappears (laser rot) after a while, that's why I don't use them anymore.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2004
  3. Discmania

    Discmania Active member

    May 28, 2003
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    Take a look in DVD-R media section.

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