Hey guys, I'm new here. I have been backing up some of my DVD's for some time now. I recently installed powerdvd 7. It somehow changed my dvd video files to mpeg files. I uninstalled pdvd7, now when i look at the video files it says some of them are PDVD file type. None of the DVD's I back up now work. They work fine on my computer...it recognizes it as a DVD and everything. They dont work on my home DVD player though. I appreciate any help.
they are still dvd or vob files, what you are seeing is the program that opens the file, the reason that the file was seen as pdvd is because of the program that was used to open or view the file, what programs are you you using to make backups of your dvd's?
That doesn't matter though, like Rdmercer1 said. IT's ok they are still really, VOB,IFO,BUP files Are these MADE in Japan or made in Taiwan? U can open dvd decrypter to find out the Manufactuer(MID) Code heres a pic, put a blank media select MODE/ISO/READ or WRITE
I just tried backing up another DVD. It plays on my DVD player now, there's just no audio. I wish I hadn't installed PDVD! lol
Power DVD has nothing to do with what ur problem is, all it is, is a dvd player. The problem is the Prodisc media u r using. U might need a firmware update and that might help, Your best bet is to get some better media like Verbatims or Taiyo Yudens What speed r u burning at? the norm is burn half of what the top rated speed is. What is the Make and Model number of ur burner and Firmware? U can find that with decrypter too, at the very top See the pic mine is Pioneer DVR-111D, firmware 1.23
We have the same DVD drive lol. Mine is the exact same (firmware too). I have a 100 pack of these dvd's. All I know is before I installed PDVD they worked. Is there another method I could use to back them up?
If this is true then why dont u uninstall PowerDVD, but like i said earlier the problem is those disks u r using Prodiscs are not very good and u are finding out why. I only use Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden and have not had one problem with them. BTW there is a firmware Update 1.29, i just havent switched becuz i have had no problems with my media, u could try, it might help although i dont think it will, just for future reference when u buy ur next batch of dvds get top notch ones like i suggested and u wont get headaces over burning Also burn those maxell(prodisc) no higher than 8x