I use a decrypter, Shrink and NERO. When I started coyping DVDs several montha ago things were just fine. I could decrypt, copy on Shrink with the NERO burner and would get a DVD that would play on any DVD player and also make a second copy by using NERO. About a month ago something happened and all of a sudden by using my same system, the DVDs I copied on Shrink would only play on a certain type of player and couldn't be copied by NERO. I am at a lost as what to do. I have loaded and unload the programs several times but I still get the same results. Can someone help me?
did you switch media? Or switch media batches? A lot of media is made by multiple manufacturers and it's not uncommon to find a handful of manufacturers' products in the same spindle of discs. Memorex is the worst culprite for this but others do it too. If you want the best media (which is actually the same price as the poor quality media) go with Verbatim DataLifePlus with Super AZO Dye or Taiyo Yuden (best to go online to buy these).
I've been using Ritek for the last six months and have had no problem until lately. I did change types of discs just to make sure that wasn't the problem and that didn't work either.
I had this same problem once, turned out it was the Memorex discs I was using. I know you're not using Memorex, but Ritek has also made some sub-par quality media. But you also say that you switched discs and you get the same problem. This is a very interesting situation. What speed are you burning at? Try to keep it at 4x or less. If you are using +R discs, see if they can be booktyped. DVD Decrypter has the ability to do this, although not all burners are capable of this. You can set DVD Shrink to automatically burn with Decrypter after it's finished compressing. Booktyping gives the disc a higher compatibility with DVD players, but can only be done using +R discs.
I really don't think it is the disks. I use 4x DVD-R. I thought I had everything straight but now my NERO burner does not work eith with NERO or Shrink. I think I may have something wrong with my computer. What do you think?
90% of the time when movies can only be played on some players but not others, it's media related. That doesn't necessarily mean that the media is bad, just that the player(s) that you're having issues with don't like the discs. It could be a format thing (+R or -R), but that is unlikely, DVD-R has like a 95% compatibility rating with DVD players.
I have always had compatibility with all DVD players using the DVD-R discs. Things are working much better since I changed discs. The only problem I have now is that there are little blips in the copies. Could it be the decrypter or Shrink?
copy with decrypter, shrink with shrink,and burn with nero. try using sony -r 8x media. burn at 4x. make sure ur firmware for burner is up to date. imo this is a media problem.
I think you hit the nail on the head! Now I'd like to ask one more question. If I put the burned copies with the blips back through the decrypter and burn again through Shrink will it then give me a good copy or do I have to have the original disk?
you're not going to be able to improve the quality like that. You'll have to get the original again to try and get a better copy out of it. In DVD Shrink, after you hit Backup there is a Quality Enhancements tab you can select. Check the Deep Analysis and Increased Error Compensation (set to either Sharp or Smooth, I prefer Sharp). This will take a while longer to do the backup, but the quality should be much better.
I got rid of the blips by lowering the burn but it will only burn at 2X which makes this very slow. Is there something I can do with the computer to make it burn at 4X? Also, if I want to make an additional copy of the disk using NERO do I have to burn at the same speed that Shrink burned the original? If I copy the same DVD at a later time, how do I know what the original speed it was burned at?I'm really new at using a computer as I'm sure you can tell. Could you please explain what a URL is and how do I make sure it is up to date?