I think I have really missed this one. Is all the software, like Shrink,DVD43,etc used specifically to view DVD movies on the pc? If not can these movies be viewed on a standard DVD player hooked to a TV? My copies are really great in quality,but they will not work on a stand alone DVD Player. Please forgive my ignorance,but I could really use some help!
Hey roughcoat Shrink and DVD43 are programs used to copy and take out the encryption before burning. What software did you use to burn your DVD's? What media are you using? Kat
Well if you can't watch them then the quality is not so great IMHO. No, these programs are used to remove copy and region protection as well, in the case of Shrink, compress your movie to fit on a blank DVD-5. Your media player (PowerDVD, Windows media player, etc) allow you to watch your movie on your PC. Why don't you explain what programs you are using, your complete system information and what kind of media you are using. The more specific and complete you are, the easier and quicker we can help. Your PC can play all kinds of discs, however your DVD player requires compatible, DVD-Video compliant discs.
Power DVD is good for soft player on your PC. Stay away from Interactual player. Some of the older stand alones do not play the writeable and re-writable formats. Some also dont like some brand media or possible format! Many variables here. What stand alone player are you using?
roughcoat, What is the make and model of your DVD player? Go here: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers.php Find out if your player is compatible with the media you are using.
I meant your desktop DVD player not your burner. Just want to find out if those Ritek R/Ws are compatible with the player you want to watch them with. Your burner is one of those I/O Magic units, right?
The desktop DVD Player is a JVC,SQPB dual,one side for vhs and the other for dvd. It doesn't like Ritek, Fuji,Verbatim, and now Iam trying Imination and any other DVD brand I can find. Yes Digital Research,is IOMagic and Iam going to do some digging any help is greatly appreciated, before I take a bat to this pc.
You should have a number similar to this for your JVC: JVC HR-XVC27U if this number is not correct, could youfind the correct one and post it? Have you tried the -R format? The + or - format of a disc is more likely to cause compatability issues than the brand. Generally cheap discs don't burn consistently and some won't burn at all. Ritek and Verbatim are good discs but if your player won't play that + format then just try a -R or RW disc. If possible, try your disc in another DVD player. I bought a cheap Emerson EWD 7003 on Ebay and it plays everything I put in it.
It might have nothing to do with the brand (although, as lots of posters say, the better the quality of your media, usually the better your results). Some DVD players will only play DVD+R/RW burned media. Some will play only DVD-R/RW burned media. Some don't play any RW media. The newer DVD players should play everything, but I have (for example) a Cyberhome DVD player in my bedroom that is only a couple of years old and doesn't play DVD+R although it DOES play DVD+RW and DVD-R/RW. I had no idea what all these +'s and -'s meant when I bought it, but I now have a whole lot of backed-up DVDs on DVD+R media that play great in my Sony DVD player in the living room but won't play at all in my Cyberhome DVD player in the bedroom. I guess my real point here is, before you think there's something wrong with your burning or the discs, maybe it's just that your brand of player doesn't play the type of media you're using. Check your user's manual and/or try the discs on another DVD player. Good luck!! While we're on the subject -- is there anyone out there who knows if DVD players can be modified so as to be able to play all the different +/- media?