DVDSanta don't respond to questions / problem.

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by new2video, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. new2video

    new2video Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    I am frustated with the DVDSanta folks.
    I heard a lot of good review on their software so I download a demo to try it out.

    I have a brand new Pentium 4 3.2Ghz, 512 Meg of RAM, 120 Gig hard drive, Pioneer DVR 108, running on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2.

    I am having problem using the DVDSanta with my Sony DCR-TRV10 Digital Camcorder.

    I am using the DVDSanta's "Digital Camcorder Direct to DVD" feature. It started to convert the video from my Camcorder but after 38 seconds it flicked (ie: Pause and continue) a bit and continue the converstion till the end of the DV tape. I have tried all my DV tapes, same symptom.

    After the converstion is done, I used the PowerDVD (Recommanded on DVDSanta website) to preview first before I burned it on the disc. It played the video for 38 seconds and then the video frozen but the audio continue on. The audio playback was slow and bad. A female voice sound like a male.

    I live in North America so I used NTSC. It doesn't matter thought, I tried PAL too, it went further about 1 minute. I took a chance to burn it on a disc to get the result.... same problem wasted my disc. I am using TDK disc.

    So I contacted DVDSanta support and wait for 1 week, then 2 weeks. I email them again and again. I even email to their sales, business and comment email acount. Well after 2 months of trying and no respond.

    Thanks god I ran into the problem with their demo and got a wake up call from this company.

    I ended up purchased the Ulead Video Studio and it converted all my DV tapes.

    I suspected DVDSanta is not working with Win XP PRO SP2.

    Does anyone successfully using the DVDSanta wiht Win XP PRO SP2 and the Sony DCR-TRV10?

    btw, DVDSanta is own by Zycomputing, they also sale the 123loganalyzer. I tried to contact the 123loganalyzer same result... no respond.

    I found the zycomputing phone number, left many message same thing. They don't return call.

    So think before you buy their software. It may works now, think of what if it doesn't.

    anyway that's my 2 cents frustration.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2005
  2. biglad1

    biglad1 Guest

    i sadly purchased the dvdsanta full version and it worked for the first 2 dvd,s i burn,t but sadly it wont copy or burn and despite several attempts to contact dvdsanta the will not answer to any mail anyone know how to contact these people? thanks
  3. Tring1

    Tring1 Member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    I think new2video is correct. I downloaded the demo and had a question and never got a repsonse. Is there any other software that does that same thing? I am interested in putting photos and music on a DVD. It has to be kind of low tech as I am not very high tech.
  4. albertt3

    albertt3 Guest

    I bought the DVDSanta Program and the problem I have in XP is the burner won't burn my disk at times. Then I reboot and insert a DVD-R disk and it will burn. If I put a DVD+R after this it will burn. Like you I sent emails to them and they are still bouncing. I find the Program very useful and yes I have the XP upgrade.
  5. biglad1

    biglad1 Guest

    update i did manage to contact dvd santa and they sent me the necessary files to reinstall now its workin perfectly. i suggest if u get it again copy the installation to disc then u can reinstall it when ever
  6. lalala123

    lalala123 Member

    Mar 8, 2005
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    can u tell me how you got a hold of them i have been tring for two weeks. I bought dvdsanta and now it doesn't work and every time i contact them it said the message was deferred.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2005
  7. Troyers

    Troyers Guest

    Hey guys I tried DVD Santa it works fine for the video part of it... but the audio part is not that good every time the lips move there is a delay with the sound.

    Can anybody help me out with this problem I tried to contact DVD Santa support center but failed... does anyone have a solution for this problem
  8. new2video

    new2video Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    Hi all,

    This may shed some light to some of DVDSanta problem.
    If your DVDSanta work fine before and all a certain it doesn't. I think the problem is, if you have install other DVD software recently, DVDSanta will not work.

    My original problem was, I cannot convert the video directy from my video camera but converting avi files work fine. Recently, I installed some other DVD software and after that ever avi files I tried to convert had failed.

    To solve the avi file problem, I rebuild my system.
    This is how I do it. I build a dual boot system, win2k and winxp. I partition my hard drive to 3 drives. C=win2k, D=winxp, E=data.

    After installing both os (just the os) I boot the system up with win2k and copy all the XP's Windows directory, program file and the Documents and Settings
    to the data directory. I called it cleans XP without service pack.

    The next step is, I put service pack 1 in my XP, then boot up the win2k and copy the XPSP1 to E drive in the clean_XP_SP1 directory.

    The last step i, I put service pack 2 in my XP, then boot up the win2k and copy the XPSP2 to E drive in the clean_XP_SP2 directory.

    I know this is an over kill, but if I need a clean os, I can alway copy them over.

    I install all the application and I install DVDSanta last. I make another backup including the appliations to the E: drive.

    Anyway, you can burn them onto a dvd disc.

    I can convert any avi file now, I have not trying the converting directy from the video camera but I have confident that it will work in windows XP without service pack.

    that's my 2 cents.... good luck


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