DVDshrink copyright error

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by BrokenZ, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. BrokenZ

    BrokenZ Guest

    I recently rented all three Lone Wolf and Cub movies on dvd....I went to burn them with DVD Shrink(My dvd burning device is a labtop Matshita UJ-810), but I got a copyright error, CSS protected message.....I then heard to install and try DVD Region + CSS free. I did, that made DVD Shrink able to anlysis the dvd but when analysising it didn't show a preview of what was being analysised like it usually does....instead it was just a blank screen? Is there a way to fix that? Is there any other programs I can try to get rid of the CSS protection? Thanx in advance to anyone who helps!!!!
  2. michigan

    michigan Guest

    You must have unchecked the tick box for the preview its right there on the screen. Let me know if this was the problem.
  3. BrokenZ

    BrokenZ Guest

    no i checked it.....and still a blank screen
  4. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Ok then, I would try Decrypter it's free and almost always works.
  5. BrokenZ

    BrokenZ Guest

    I just tried to regularly play the dvd on my computer and it doesn't play....it stays blank.....I checked if it was the disk so I put it in my regular dvd player (a panasonic) and it works fine....Do you know how I can fix that?
  6. BrokenZ

    BrokenZ Guest

    Just incase I tried another dvd in my computer and it worked/played just fine.....It's weird....
  7. michigan

    michigan Guest

    Sounds like a bad drive to me

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