On my pc I recently added 2 laths of 128 Mb Rimm RAM (PC800) NON-ECC each. So I normally should now have a 512Mb (4x128Mb) RAM as also shown in configuration screen system. The SiSandra programme also indicates 512Mb. But I now am confronted with following problem : Using the DVDx 2.3 programme I would like to convert a DVD in AVI-format. "Input Setting" under "Save your DVD drive" asks for input of a RAM-value. It is advised to input half of the total value which in my case would be 256Mb. But I can only input a maximun value of 128Mb ??? When I input 256Mb the programme won't work and displays following message : Cannot allocate memory for the temporary buffer. OS : Windows Millennium Who can help me ? What freeware or trail version can I use to verify whether or not the 4 x 128Mb memory functions properly ? Many thanks and best regards. Chris
Hey! I came across a similar problem with another dvd conversion program. It may be that DVDx 3.2 is not detecting the new rimms. A simple uninstall/reinstall fixed the problem. If the Bios and Sandra say there is 512 RDRAM there is no reason to be skeptical. 512 RDRAM--WOW your system must FLY!!!! My sympathy on the Me.......LoL