I burned 20 backup DVD's of my collection onto DVD-R using DVDx Copy Platnium and using simple. I only want the movie so it will fit on the DVD-r. I would watch the beginnning just to make sure they work, And the picture was perfect. I was happy about the software untill I accually watched any of the moives further. Like at the middle of the movies the picture would get really grainey. So I try'd burning a movie using 2 DVD-R's and the picture was good the entire time. Thats a solution but I dont want 2 use two DVD-R's. Why would the picture be so bad when I have still have extra space left? Someone please help!!
thats a question i still havent found an asnwer to, i know that the viseo will work perfectly in the cheap dvd players though.
brabbit If you only want the movie and not all the extra trash, I recommend that you use DVD Decrypter v3.1.9.0 (a free download) to decrypt the whole movie to a folder on your hard drive. Next use Pinnacle Instant Copy 8 (main movie only feature) to burn the main movie (and nothing else) to a dvd-r. Even if the movie is a bit large for a standard dvd-r, Instant Copy 8 will shrink the movie to fit the dvd. I have burned more than 50 movies in that manner and haven't been unhappy with any of my copies.
Use dvdshrink and reauthor use only the main movie most the time it does not need any copression so you get the best quality. Also helps if use good dvd blanks. I have used xcopy but it deletes my dvd files once it finishes the burn. I found a way around that. I just got better results using dvdshrink and DVD Decrypter v3.1.9.0.