Okay so I keep getting this 'disk unreadable error' with a few of my dvds using DVDXCopy.. what other programs should I use instead of this? thanks
Easy, AnyDVD + CloneDVD 2 from Slysoft. You can try both FREE for 21 days before you decide to buy or not. BTW: The 21 days is for use of the FULL versions of each! Burn all you want for 21 days. You won't be getting these errors with AnyDVD Running! Once you try this Combo, I bet you'll buy them. Hint: It will save you a lot of $$$ if you buy BOTH at once. Get these here: http://www.slysoft.com/en/
There are a couple of things you could consider before buying something else. First, make sure you don't have a program called "record now" on your computer, it interfers even when not running. Also, press control, alt delete to open your task manager and make sure there is nothing running in the background...just click on them to highlight and then click "end program" to close them. Don't burn too fast, choose something like X4 don't go higher. Lastly, make sure you're using decent media and not junk. The techs at 321 studios (now defunct) once gave me a tip that works pretty well when you're having difficulty and that is to let the movie play in win dvd. After a couple of mins, open xcopy, close the one then open the other in rapid succession...actually works sometimes. I'm no pro and I guess that's about all I have to offer with DVD XCopy but I did use it for a long time. Best of luck.
so I just downloaded anydvd and clone dvd.. right off the bat clonedvd said unexpected error.. and i cant figure out what the hell to do.. im just trying to burn monster house people..
[bold]t3h_s01j4[/bold] First, make sure AnyDVD is enabled BEFORE you insert your Movie to be backed up. You'll know by the Red Fox icon in your system tray. Use default settings with AnyDVD. Once the Red Fox turns pink then Red Again, open CloneDVD 2, again, use default settings, all except writing speed, you'll need to change that from Maximum, which is default. Change it to 4x to be safe. Your DVD writer should be the default target. You'll want to select "Copy DVD Titles" to do only the movie. Deselect any audio languages you do not need. You want to get the quality bar as close to 100% as possible. The filmstrip assistant in CloneDVD 2 will guide you. It really is easy. By The way: Use Good Quality Media.
i did this and as soon as i got to the last step to burn, it says 'oh no' and says unexpected error...plz help
what ye need is platinum rf,it has no ripper and anydvd will work great,with all movies..no start nag screen,and it will burn from the hard drive..you must have a legal copy of dvdxplatumin installed.. as it will activate off ye license and password.. search the net for a download... PlatinumRF_v4.0.4.15.
t3h_s01j4 Have you recently changed type or brand of Media? This sounds like a media problem. I could be wrong, but try Verbatim Media, or Made in Japan Sony, Taiyo Yuden if you can find it. What Media are you using? It also could be the Patin Cuffin driver in Xcopy. Try disabling it.
yeah it always comes up with like bad sector errors.. is that the result of a crappy disk im using to burn to? i usually use Sony dvd+r ver1.3 (accucore) or some random memorex ones.. I dont usually have probs with the memorex.. the SONYs are what im usin now.. I just burned 2 other movies right now flawlessly.. but its just some movies.. it hates..
Well, the fact that it's a disc "unreadable" error tells us it's not, in fact, a burning problem. It's more than likely the copy protection on the movie itself. I saw people suggest using "Any DVD", personally, that didn't work for me. I used DVD Region+CSS Free, and that worked great for me, very easy to use. Give that a whirl.
try this new beta,as it works great..on the movies i tested today There is a new beta you may want to try: 2006 11 30 - New: Runs under VirtualPC on PowerPC MACs - Change: "Aggressive I/O Mode" checkbox removed, "Safe Mode" is back. Just the way it was in version <= - Change: "Safe Mode" off is less "aggressive", this fixes many problems some users were having - Fix: DEP error on Windows Vista http://sandbox.slysoft.com/SetupAnyDVD6090.exe