
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mark4, May 22, 2004.

  1. mark4

    mark4 Member

    May 22, 2004
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    can I store a copy on my harddrive until I get a dvd-r blank disc
  2. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    yes you can. But you won't be able to burn it. If you notice when you open platinum up the browse button doesn't work. The only version the browse button works is in the ripper free version (v4.0.4.15RF), which is no longer available for download. Your alternative is to get DVD Shrink. Shrink you can open the video_ts files created by platinum, then burn with nero or dvd decrypter.

    If your going to get DVD Shrink and DVD Decrypter you might as well just use those two, and not XCopy Platinum. Hope this helps.
  3. xbadboy2

    xbadboy2 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Yes we do have a way for to rip with out a 3rd party software do a search for rf to rip there is a file you need to put in RF to make it rip.They changed a file to make it RF all you have yo do is change it back you will find all you need in that search.
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Back to the original question, yes you can. Use an emulator program such as Daemon or the Clone drive emulator. The 321 program picks it up just like a real drive. Just make sure you don't have any disks in any of the drives when you fire up the xcopy. Also I use ISO files, don't know what happens if you copy a video_ts file.
  5. xbadboy2

    xbadboy2 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Why not just use shrink to rip to computer its free and dose a great job Shrink will rip to computer and its going to be just about the best tool thats out there for free great pic 2.
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just another way of doing the same job. In Shrink you have to reset the drive selection to the hard drive and then decrypt and burn the movie to the hard drive. The user was wanting to just put the file on the hard drive and burn it later. Decrypter is a one step job and it can be used to burn with XCopy or Shrink. Daemon just gives another option , as it will load ISO files that function with XCopy, Shrink, and a number of other editing/burner programs. Using Video_ts files is the other option and XCopy doesn't automatically pick those up. ISO files in Daemon is one for all, as all the programs I have seen are set up to burn from a disc.
  7. xbadboy2

    xbadboy2 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Why not just go to settings in platinum and change where it puts the temp file to where ever you want make sure you put save as default. So it will stay on the computer Intel when ever you want ?
  8. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Just thinking about keeping it simple. A one step program as opposed to a multi task program. Plus you end up with the entire file on the hard drive (minus encryption). I know the job can be done in different ways, I was just suggesting the a simple and easy step with free software. No cost until you get ready to burn, what a concept. Then Shrink is free, I know.

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