DVP642 upgrade gone wrong

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by chandupos, Mar 3, 2007.

  1. chandupos

    chandupos Member

    Mar 3, 2007
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    Hello there,
    I did an upgrade for my DVP642/17 from "VER0113 642/17 02 1" to "VER0531". Everything went well except that the pciture had a few lines. I assumed it was beacuse of the PAL vs NTSC and changed it back to NTSC. That did not help.
    I read somewhere that the US 642 was the same as the British 630 and hence changed the version to a DVP630, inspite of my player being a 642. After I did this, My TV does not recognise the DVD player. The DVD player is directly connected to the TV. I am unable to revert back to the 642 since I cannot see anything on the screen. The DVD player itself seems to be working fine. I reloaded the 642 v 5.31 upgrade, but the TV still does not get any signal from the DVD player? Any suggestions? Do I dump my playeR?
    What do I do now?
  2. Dethh

    Dethh Member

    May 30, 2004
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    Ahh man, the same thing happened to me, after the upgrade my tv says unsopported image.

    So i went to the store and got a DVD-HD860 from samsung.. so far it plays everything, although the controller is of much better quality.

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