I am able to read and write CD's. I am unable to record a data DVD. Do I do that the same way I would a data CD, or do I need to use specialized software? I don't know if I can view a movie DVD since the "special version" of Nero comes up when a movie is loaded, then tells me that I need to buy the full version to be able to see it (don't even get me started)! The PioneerElectronics website seems to be out of commission, so there's no searching for FAQs there! I've installed it on an HP desktop computer. The DMA seems to be setup right. It is on the primary IDE, and there is no other device on that drive (the disk drives are on the secondary IDE, for some reason). I installed it as cable sense, the way the CD-ROM burner / DVD was installed.
hmm nero prolly needs the mpeg2 codec (another serial to pay for) use VLC a free awesome file player to test playing dvd's what you putting on the dvd?
Operator Error! I didn't realize that one makes a data dvd differently from a data cd; Windows can't do it. I did it with Nero and it seems to be writing data dvd's fine.