not sure if this is in the right part of the forum but here goes.. I just got my DVR today. its a Motorola DCT6416 III. I called my provider up and asked if it were possible to take a show i recorded on my DVR, and burn it to a DVD via PC. He wasnt sure how he said nobody [using our provider] has done it, but it IS possible. so now I come to you all asking for help. In theory it should work, via Firewire.. but unfortunately i dont have IEEE on my laptop, only USB 2.0.. but this shouldt be a big deal, only takes longer to transfer.. boo hoo.. so.. any idea how to do this? there are USB ports on my box etc..
its going to be trial and error, most providers ship the boxes with dead or unactivated firewire ports, as far as usb unless your computer recognizes the box as a host device then there is no way with usb. 2 options if they don't work, look on the web for dvr hacks for your model or build your own pvr btw that is one of the biggest issues of bought dvr's is not being able to get the video off, as far as I know the only ones you can are the real Tivo branded dvr's and replay tv's. the other is the drm crap in them, they have a broadcast flag that content providers can activate like a batch file, say you record the superbowl but nfl does not want you to have it indefinatly, that batch file will execute on a preset action - a date, times watched, time on the dvr and then delete the file. So far this technology has not been used that I know of but just knowing they have that ability causes me to say screw em and build my own.
whats the diff between DVR and PVR? As you said about the possibility of inactive IEEE ports, they told me its possible with an external DVD Burner, and firewire - therefore it IS[/] active, just dunno about USB.. there isnt any divice that converts firewire to USB that i dont know about is there?