dvx 6600 busted remote control

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by jakeeboy, Feb 5, 2006.

  1. jakeeboy

    jakeeboy Guest

    Hi All,

    Anybody here know where I can get a replacement remote control for my DVX 6600, my daughter decided it needed a clean and bunged it in the washing up bowl, which was full of nice hot soapy water at the time. DOH!! Kids, gotta love em.

    Anyway, not having a remote is a bit of a pain, not a problem for divx movies, but dvd's with a menu are a pain, at the mo I'm playing them in my PS2 - but I'd rather play everything with my Yamada...

    Thoughts... I'd rather not shell out for a newer model, I like the 6600 I'm used to it's quirks and it's one of the best budget players I've ever bought...

    Cheers, Jakeeboy
  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I've noticed that Sam's Club is selling the mid-priced (usually about $150), Harmony remote, for about $70. Great deal! One remote works it all! I'm gonna [bold]try[/bold] to get one, before they are all gone.

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