Hi I've recently just been trolling around various boards, looking for things to do to my motorola e815 while I wait for my data cable in the mail... well I came across the "secret" menu codes like MENU, 00**83786633 for the testmode, as well as the MENU, 073887* etc... as i was looking through them, i tried not to change anything unless i was sure of what would happen, then when i was done fooling around and put everything back to normal, I noticed something... MY FREaking v-cast icon is gone from get-it-now! when you go into the programming menu, you can see some things that have to do with get it now config, but all that is there is ADS (choice of apps.myvzw.com & TESTapps.myvzw.com) and "get it now test" (enabled or disabled) **I changed both of these options to see what would happen, but then but them back to stock settings** there is also a bunch of unchangeable provision stuff in this area... So can ANYONE please help me out to get back my v-cast!! my mom is friends with a varizon store manager, so he hooked me up with a free month of v-cast, and now i can't use it!