I am trying to burn an image but keep making coasters. If I use IsoBuster to look at the sectors, each 0000 line of a sector begins with [bold]"FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 02 00 01 00 00 00 00"[/bold] offsetting the *actual* data! Another item of note is that as I increment the sectors, "00 02 00 01 ... " becomes "00 02 [bold]01[/bold] 01 ..." and so on. Using the vcd feature of A120% or IsoBuster, the image can be read without any problems. However, A120% will burn a coaster of this image as will Nero. The .cue is standard: FILE "burn.bin" BINARY TRACK 01 MODE1/2352 INDEX 01 00:00:00 I've tried to do my homework first before posting, but I really could not find anything out there. TIA
Well, for those mildly curious ... I was not able to solve my problem directly. I ended up using the vcd of 120% and made another image of the "cd-rom" and reburned.