biorange, Should have read about anydvd before posting. Automatically runs in the background with DVD inserted. I won't put it in my startup though, I'll just create a shortcut and when I plan on burning I'll just open it. The more crap you have on startup the more apt to have problems. I like to run lean and when I do burn I will close out all unnecessary programs with task manager as to minimize any problems. Siber, I tried to clarify myself in a additional post, what I want is only to play the movie and be able to enable the chapter selection feature. All the other stuff I don't need.
Sheethead: you do know that you always have the chapter feature, regardless of the software program you use. Even with copies made with Shrink and Decrypter you should have no difficulty clicking to the chapter you are interested in. If you save the original menu but all features except for PLAY and CHAPTERS, I don't really see what you gain by that. To each his own, of course. I think you are getting some great advice from everybody about this.
BTW, sheethead. I run AnyDVD in the background continuouly. I'm not aware of it causing any problems or delays. I did disable the function whereby it checks for update everytime you boot up. I highly recommend the program. It's got one great feature: it does what it is supposed to do while you never know it's there.
Sheethead, i put it in start-up, I never know it even came on, no delays. Each to his own.... If there was only 1 way to do it we wouldn't need this forum( except for the titillating conversation, of course) PS- siber, you do have chapters(but you have to go in order of chapter via remote), but not on a screen where you can jump to the chapter directly
Siber You said "Sheethead: you do know that you always have the chapter feature, regardless of the software program you use." The one DVD I did burn using DVD Xcopy Platinum, I selected the only movie feature. When I played the DVD in my player I pressed the remote button that displays the menu and nothing appeared on the Tv's screen, so I would assume the chapter fetaure is not present, how else could one access it without using the menu button on the remote. Perhaps the DVD didn't record properly as I had thought if you say the chapter feature should be there. bigorange You said " PS- siber, you do have chapters(but you have to go in order of chapter via remote), but not on a screen where you can jump to the chapter directly" I'm not sure what you mean by this, can you kindly clarify.
Sheethead: Remotes and DVD players may have somewhat different features. I don't use my menu button if I've stripped all the extra's, subtitles, etc. I am sure you have -on your remote- buttons that allow you to just advance to the next chapter or return to a previous one (usual symbol >>I or I<<). If you do not have that function work for you, I would think that there is a problem with your DVD Player and not with the Software or the actual 'Rip & Burn).
If your player will do it just hit the Right / Left arrow button to advance or go back a chapter at a time. I have 2 players that will do this and 2 that don't. I have to FF with the 2 that don't.
no problem, When you rip just the movie that's all you get- however the chapters are still in that movie. Your dvd remote has a fast forward option (>>) or a chapter to chapter option (>>|). When you press the chapter button it will skip to the next chapter without having to fast forward to it(or the same in reverse to go back a chapter). When you go into nve2 to create a menu it can auto-detect these chapters or you can set them yourself. Then you can use a menu to go to each chapter which, I think, is what you're after.
Well guys I just don't know how to thank you enough, the << and >> buttons on the remote do change the chapters and that's all I really need at this point. Never ever used them, always went to the menu. The menu does have an advantage though since you can see picture scenes. I guess thats why my wife calls me sheethead, BTW she speaks with a heavy French accent. I have saved all the messages and links to file and down the road I will begin experimenting with the various programs.I suppose that copying movie only will give me the best quality possible so that's a plus since it's so easy to do. bigorange "When you go into nve2 to create a menu it can auto-detect these chapters or you can set them yourself. Then you can use a menu to go to each chapter which, I think,is what you're after." Yes that's exactly what I want, I'll paly with that after I,ve familiarized myself with Nero more, as they say, haste makes waste, and I've done my share in life. Thanks everybody for your valuable time and suggestions, I will continue to read the messages from the forum so I may learn more.
One afterthought, you can also use recode 2, disable every thing but the menu and movie, this will also give you what you want without having to create a menu.
brian100, You are right,,It cant be done, I was wrong...I was thinking by menus he meant, the beginning of movie with play disc, special features etc menu choices..I was used to xcopy which eliminated that screen..I humbly apologize.. Sher
Well tried my first burn and made a coaster. I used DVD Decrypter and ripped entire disc to hard drive. Then used Nero 6.0 Recode 2 and chose movie only and left the extras and menu boxes unchecked. Playback had no audio and it turned out it had all the features, don't know why that would happen if the extras and menu were not checked. It took way too long with this method, 17 minutes to rip to hard drive, then Nero took 55 minutes and 35 seconds to burn. I selected the Edward Scissorhands movie that is only 100 minutes and not alot of features. Total time, 1 hr. 12 min and 35 seconds. Earlier I had copied Lord Of The Rings Two Towers using Xcopy Platinum, I copied the entire disk with the movie being 179 minutes. That burn took 33 minutes to rip and 17 minutes to burn, total of 50 minutes for a movie almost twice the length as Scissorhands. I may try downloading AnyDVD trial, have it run in the background, then try another burn with Nero Recode2. It just seemed to me that DVD Decrypter and Nero did the same thing, Nero took 25 minutes alone on Analyze, whereas Decrypter took only 17 minutes to copy the entire disc to the hard drive. Just seemed like Nero was doing the same thing that Decrypter just finished
You didn't LISTEN! I never said anything about decrypter. If you don't want to pay for anydvd then use dvd43, it's free. I can do a 2 hour movie with 90 minutes of special features in an hour or LESS. Recode 2 does such a good job I have compressed as much as 50% with no visible video loss so you don't have to disable that much, and I have a 56" Mitsibishi HDTV, I know it would show up on it. You can lead a horse to water..... PS-use rw's til you get the hang of it.
One other thing, what do you mean, unchecked? In recode 2 you click on each title you don't want and then hit disable which then auto-adjusts the compression. You can do the entire thing or click on the + and then disable only certain items under that heading you don't want by using the preview slider. There is no uncheck. In some movies, Peter Pan for instance, I wanted all the special features but it was too much compression so I burnt the movie and menu only, disabling everything else on one disc and then burnt the special features on another disc disabling only the movie. You MUST leave the menu alone(in both cases) to have a fully functional menu on both discs. In all, it took about1 1/2 hours to do. Ta-Daaa
[bold]One Barrel or Two?[/bold] Sheethead, Looks like you were told everything you didn't ask for and then some. A lot of it was useful info though. Help has arrived. It is not that difficult to use the advanced section of Platinum and get the movie with the scene selection function. It is simple, I'll give you a quick run through and if you don't get it I'll give you a little more detail and a prize for the ??? (read Newbie?) of the month. Print a copy of this and have your discs ready. The way Platinum is set up, it reads the scene selections menu and menu controls as part of the movie TitleSet. You choose only the one TitleSet with the movie and when recorded you get the menu with the [Title Selection] as default. Now isn't that simple. With DVDShrink you have to record the whole disc to get the menu selection. Now they know why I keep the Platinum. For the same reason you want here. Otherwise Shrink is better. [bold] How to Find A Movie In Advanced[/bold] [bold]Getting Started[/bold] To begin, the movie will have to be 'ripped', either by an older version of Platinum with a 'ripper' or with an add on 'ripper' such as AnyDVD or DVD Decrypter. Ripping consists of removing encryption and extracting the movie files to a temporary or permanent file on the hard drive. If you are using the later version of Platinum without a ripper, The Platinum RF, you will have to rip the files first. For simplicity, AnyDVD is one of the easiest and best for Newbies. Once loaded on the computer, and left alone with the default settings, this software program will automatically remove the encryption from any encrypted disc put in the computer drive. It even works with encrypted audio CDs. With a 'ripper' version of Platinum or with the AnyDVD running with the Platinum RF(the little red fox will be on the bottom toolbar), you are ready to begin. Put the movie disc in the DVD player drive. Let it run until the little light on the drive indicates the disc has been recognized by the computer. Close the little open screen that pops up. Open DVD Platinum Open [Advanced] The computer looks for the disc, don't hit the browse selection yet, wait. Within a reasonably short period of time the computer should open the [bold]SELECT TITLES[/bold] screen and a list of TitleSets will be displayed. If the screen doesn't open shortly, click the [Browse] and locate the disc with the movie files to be opened. You're looking for the drive you put the disc in. Select the drive with the disc and open; you get the [bold]SELECT TITLES[/bold] screen and a list of TitleSets. Look in the big box that lists the Title Sets 1 thru however many title sets on the disc. 1,2,3,... going down. [bold]The Select Titles Screen - How it works[/bold] Make sure all the little boxes have the little [-] and not a [+] in them. Left click on one just to watch the shift. Make sure you click it so the [-] shows. The reason you want all [-] is so the lines with (Chapters: #) is showing. The Bond movie Goldfinger has a TitleSet line with (Chapters: 33); an indicator that this is the Title set with the movie because it has the largest number of chapters. That movie has 8 Title Sets, how many varies from movie disc to different movie disc. TitleSet 2 had the (Chapters: 33) in the line under and was the movie in Goldfinger. I think you are now ready to preview titlesets and find a movie. [bold]A Timely Note[/bold] When you check one of the empty boxes to the left of TitleSet, you have chosen that Titleset to be recorded. The size of the checked title set is displayed on the right of the screen above the [Preview Video] button (in GB). If you choose another TitleSet with the first choice still selected, the size of the second choice is added to the first. Each selection is added to the previous total. If all are checked, you get the size of the entire disc. [bold]You only want to check one TitleSet for Movie Only.[/bold] You can go down the list checking and unchecking the boxes to see how large the files are. Most older 2 hr movies are near 4 GB and the newer movies are quite a bit more. You can't go by size alone because add-on items, like interviews, can be as large as a movie. That is why you Preview, more on that later. I just wanted you to be aware of selecting TitleSets (with their chapters) for recording and the display for the size of the selected TitleSet in Gigabytes (GB). [bold]How the [Preview Video] button works[/bold] Move the cursor arrow over the line with (Chapters: #) and left click. The line will be highlighted and the [Preview Video] button, located on the right of the screen will light up. Move the cursor arrow over the [Preview Video] button and left click. Remember the Preview Video will not light up and work unless you highlight (select) a line with the (Chapters: #). Once a selection has been made the Preview Video selector will stay on. You select another TitleSet by highlighing another line with the (Chapters: #) under the chosen TitleSet. After clicking on [Preview Video], A monitor screen will open and whatever chapters are in the highlighted line will start playing. If it is the movie, it will start playing the movie in the monitor. Close the monitor screen by clicking the [x] in the top right of the monitor screen. If not the movie, check the titleset with the next highest number of chapters. Some movie discs have widescreen and fullscreen. These have two movies in 2 different titlesets. So there are two movies to choose from. It should say on the disc or package if a disc has both the full and wide choices. [bold]The empty boxes to the left of TitleSet # - Selecting the movie chapters to record.[/bold] Note the empty boxes to the left of each title set. They should all start out empty. Each one you click on and enter a check gets recorded. By clicking on the selection you can check and uncheck the box. Note when you select the box that the size in Gigabytes (GB) is displayed just above the [Preview Video] button at the right of the screen. If the movie is larger than the capacity of the disc you are recording to, the box to the left of [bold]USE COMPRESSION[/bold] will light up and have an [X] in it. Leave it alone, you are not ready to go there. With the [bold]USE COMPRESSION[/bold] checked, you will see a box at the top right of the screen saying [bold]COMPRESSION[/bold]. If you see [bold]SPLITTING[/bold] you have to select [bold]USE COMPRESSION[/bold] to change the box from [bold]SPLITTING[/bold] back to [bold]COMPRESSION[/bold]. The default setting is [bold]COMPRESSION[/bold]. If the movie is within the capacity of the target disk, the [bold]USE COMPRESSION[/bold] selection doesn't light up and the [NEXT] button lights up on the lower right of the screen. Have the TitleSet with the movie only selected and click NEXT. The recording process will start. If the movie is larger than the target disc and you are in USE COMPRESSON, the screen that opens is the [bold]COMPRESSION[/bold] screen. [bold]Don't touch a thing[/bold], click NEXT and the recording process begins. [bold]JUMP AND RUN[/bold] Get away from the computer now. Go get a drink and take a short break and let the computer do it's thing. The recording indicator screen will be doing the countdown of the preparation for the recording. After the short break and when the computer prompts and asks you for a disc; feed it a lovely, new, shiny recordable DVD disc. None of that cheap stuff. The computer will now do the recording; burn baby, burn. [bold]Hoorah![/bold] Assuming all went as desired, the computer should prompt that the burn has completed successfully. Take the completed disc and run, not walk, while yelling "Ureka, I did it" all the way to the DVD player attached to the big screen. Stuff that puppy in there and start playing, much to the annoyance of that signigicant other that thinks you've lost it. [bold]A closing note:[/bold] Always turn off everything and the software programs not needed to do the recording, as possible. DVD X Copy Platinum and other versions of the 321 Studios recording software suffer from software interference. Below is the tech bulletin concerning the subject. This should be read before burning with 321 software. If you have problems, try doing as the bulletin suggests. The following programs can cause problems while using our software. Your situation sounds like one of these are installed: [bold]The Bulletin[/bold] 1. B's Clip: This package will load a packet-writing software that will constantly talk to your CD/DVD writer, and can cause a number of issues while trying to write a disc. Disabling this software is not enough, as a portion of this package is always running after you start Windows. You will need to uninstall it in Add/Remove Programs, then reboot to remove it. For more information, visit the B's website at 2. Direct CD or Drag to Disk: These are applications from Easy CD Creator from Roxio. This package will load a packet-writing software that will constantly talk to your CD/DVD writer, and can cause a number of issues while trying to write a disc. Disabling this software is not enough, as a portion of this package is always running after you start Windows. To remove them you need to go to Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel. There you can select Easy CD Creator to Change - not Remove. Then you click next until it gives you the option to Modify. Then either Direct CD or Drag to Disk should be selected and changed to "make this option not available". Then click Next. While the program may look like it is installing, it is actually removing those options. For more information, please visit Roxio's website at 3. GoBack: This is backup software that constantly runs in the background (Terminate and Stay Ready) which not only needs to be turned off, but disabled. Unfortunately, this may cause some restore points to vanish, but it will free up a lot of hard drive space. For more information visit Symantec's web site for GoBack at 4. DLA: Also HP-DLA, Veritas DLA, and others. DLA stands for Disk Letter Assignment. This package will load a packet-writing software that will constantly talk to your CD/DVD writer, and can cause a number of issues while trying to write a disc. Disabling this software is not enough, as a portion of this package is always running after you start Windows. You will need to uninstall it in Add/Remove Programs, then reboot to remove it. 5. InCD: This is packet writing software that comes bundled with Ahead Nero Burning Rom. This package will load a packet-writing software that will constantly talk to your CD/DVD writer, and can cause a number of issues while trying to write a disc. Disabling this software is not enough, as a portion of this package is always running after you start Windows. You will need to uninstall it in Add/Remove programs, then reboot to remove it. For more information go to Nero's website at 6. Interactual Player and PC Friendly Player: These programs are DVD software viewers that often come on DVD movie discs, and will try to install themselves everytime you watch a movie on your computer. Please make sure to NOT let these install. Both programs interfere with all 321 Studios software and should be un-installed from Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel when found. In some cases, you will need to uninstall and reinstall our software to restore functionality after removing one of these. For more information about both players, visit 7. McAfee Anti-Virus: This is anti-virus software that when running, can cause errors. It needs to be disabled by right clicking on the icon in the lower right side of the task bar. The 321 Studios software then needs to be restarted. Whenever you are using our software, McAfee needs to be disabled to ensure unrestricted access to your drive. For more info go to McAfee's website at 8. Norton Anti-Virus: This is anti-virus software that when running, can cause errors. It needs to be disabled by right clicking on the icon in the lower right side of the task bar and the automatic updates should be disabled. The 321 Studios software then needs to be restarted. Whenever you are using our software, Norton needs to be disabled to ensure unrestricted access to your drive. The Norton Website is 9. StopZilla: StopZilla can hinder required portions of our installer, causing the software to fail. Please completely disable StopZilla, then install our software. Once our software is installed, you may safely enable it again. If you have any difficulty using our software at a later time, you may need to disable StopZilla before going to use our software. Uninstallation is not required. 10. MyStorageGuard: This backup software can hinder certain required files from being copied during the installation. Please disable this program before installing our software, and have it disabled any time you go to use our software. Uninstallation is not required. 11. Napster 2.0: This software includes some basic burning software that can cause burning problems if it is running. You will need to close this program completely before trying to use our software. In some rare cases, you will need to completely uninstall this package to attain full reliability, so if disabling does not solve your issue, please try uninstalling this software, and try again. 12. Easy CD Creator 4.x: Due to the age of this package, it is no longer updated by the authors. There are bugs present in this older system that will cause NUMEROUS problems on your machine, not just with our software. Please Uninstall completely, and consider either the new 6.x version from Roxio ( or Nero 6.x ( These packages, installed without the Packet Writing software (DirectCD/Drag to Disk/InCD), all work very well together with our software. 13. NTI FileCD: This program has packet writing software installed with it. This package will load a packet-writing software that will constantly talk to your CD/DVD writer, and can cause a number of issues while trying to write a disc. Disabling this software is not enough, as a portion of this package is always running after you start windows. You will need to uninstall it in Add/Remove Programs, then reboot twice to fully remove it. For more information go to NTI File CD's Product page at Spyware and Adware - some programs can install other software that can be damaging to your Operating System. Please scan for these programs with a Spyware utility. We recommend Ad-aware, available freely at If you perform any of these changes, you may need to uninstall our software, then re-install to fix any damage left. If you find some of these packages, please shut down and reboot twice to ensure that the last pieces of the conflicting software are completely removed. Every version of windows requires updates. These updates correct a multitude of problems that are found, on many levels. To be sure your system is completely up to date go to If you are using Windows XP please visit If you are using Windows 2000 please visit You will also want to update your Direct X control to insure full functionality of any of our programs. You will want to download, and install Direct X 9 from Certain programs running in the background can use system resources and cause our software to experience burning issues. To disable your start up group go to start, run, and type in msconfig and hit enter, then click on the startup tab. Windows XP(Home & Pro): If you are running Windows XP you will click the disable all button. Windows Me: If you are running Windows Me disable all items that are not Windows system processes. Windows 98: If you are running Windows 98 disable all items except for Systray, Explorer and Scanreg. Windows 2000: Windows 2000 does not have this utility please make sure to close all programs through your system tray. Please update your ASPI software by installing the software at this link: Follow the instructions carefully, and make sure to reboot afterwards. Make sure you have the latest firmware update for your writer by visiting the manufacturer's website. Due to legal issues we cannot provide links for you. If you cannot find any update on their website it is recommended to contact them by phone to make sure your firmware is up to date. Here are some of the more common drives we know of. Please check at this location if you have the corresponding drive: NEC _ND-1100a - Sony Drives - Pioneer -,,2076_4249,00.html TDK - LiteOn - Toshiba 5002 / 6012 - Memorex - Verbatim Branded - Hewlett-Packard - BenQ - OptoRite - Asus DRW-0402P/D - - choose Download Teac - Plextor - IOMEGA - ____________________________________________________________________ Tier 2 Tech Support 321 Studios 3 Research Park Drive St. Charles, Missouri 63304 (636) 720-3703 Fax: (636) 720-3899 Fight to protect your fair use rights. Visit _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
I also have a post on how to burn with Decrypter, Shrink and Nero. That should be another thread. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]
1-insert movie 2-turn on recode2 2a-choose dvd to dvd 3-hit import dvd and wait for analysis (about 1 minute) 4 disable everything but main movie and menu 5-hit next 6-check burn at once and advanced analysis 7- hit burn 8- wait and play dvd with fully functional menu. Which sounds easiest? (This is with Anydvd running in the background) good luck with however you go- you certainly have enuff info....
bigorange gave a good way to do recording with the software he mentioned. I gave an everything you need to know dissertation to simplify the use of Platinum which sheethead already has and originally asked about. I tried to simplify the steps to the point where the freshest Newbie could follow, which included repeating a lot of things for emphasis and defining terminology. I included the huge tech bulletin which covers problems a lot of people have with 321 software, which wasn't part of the original question. The bigger the system capacity, the fewer problems I've seen. I also included how to notes besides steps. [bold]He has a simple option that will still give a good picture.[/bold] 1)Put in the disc to be recorded. 2)Make sure whatever Ripper system is functioning. Like AnyDVD if the software doesn't have a built in ripper. 3)Run the Simple (Xpress) in Platinum and 4)make sure the entire disk option isn't checked. 5)Have none as the option choice for subtitles (default). Enter Start. When the computer prompts, feed it a disk. 6)When finished take the good backup and enjoy. The program automaticly discards unneeded items and usually gives excellent quality video. And that is with the software he had. _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]