Anyone else had this problem? I'm having trouble with sound distortion after transferring music files from a CD onto my hard rive, using Easy CD Creator. The sound is echo-ey with a good deal of static. The sound is great on the source CD, and crappy after being ripped. MP3's are worse, but waves are bad also. Any advice would be greatly appreicated. Thanks.
Try burining an audio CD-R from the ripped (.wav or .mp3) files, e.g. using Burrrn, and play back with some standalone player. - Sounds bad as well -> something's wrong with audio extraction; try something else like EAC or CDex (both free). - Sounds decent -> your PC sound system (playback software / onboard sound / speakers) is the guilty. Try exchanging these components (starting with the playback software; try e.g. Winamp or foobar2000).