i am looking for an easy dvd burning software, that is easy to use for newbies to dvd burning, and that can convert avi to mpeg. i need a straight forword peice of software that will work.
Well you can use "VSO DivXtoDVD" to convert the AVI files to Video_TS Folder and then use Nero to Burn the Folder to DVD... That would be the easiest way but it will not produce the Type of Quality you would get if you did it properly but that would entail not doing things the easiest way...
Hello dude845, The latest DivXtoDVD Pro v2.00 (v1.99.11 Release Candidate) can do both for you. http://www.vso-software.fr/ Now comes with his own burning engine, so all you need is 1 software to convert and burn !
Hi, 14 hours ? Man o Man what are you converting ? hehehehe I usually do an 700mb avi in, humm 1 hour, 1 1/2 hour ? I'd have to pay attention to the logs next time I convert one and see how long it does take !!!
i am converting 3 700mb movies and i wolould think 3h but now i am waiting 26h, anyway to tweak it, to make it go faster
Hi dude845, You image is broken in your signature. Make sure you have seems to be missing a bracket, and or the image is no longer there. Now for DivXtoDVD, 3.7 Gb file, OUCH ! No, I do not know a way to make it go faster. On my P4 - 3.2 Ghz, I make at best 50fps (x1.7 about).