Easy questions for the experts

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by jack62, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. jack62

    jack62 Guest

    Ok let's just say someone has a Hitachi FW patch......
    Now lets say that the Hitachi drive goes bad for whatever reason.

    Is there a way to purchase a different drive (360 compatible of course) like the Samsung or Phillips and make it work on the current
    system you have?

    The reason I ask is because I have had the 360 for less than 4 months, and the first drive went bad, had to send it to microsoft and they replaced the dirve. Nothing (FW) was done to it. It was a clean Box. Now that I have the second drive, (and FW patched) I am worried.........what happens if the drive goes dead again?

    Can I order a new from ebay or the likes? If so, I pretty much get the idea that you simply can't just "put it in" the box and expect it to play, right? You must have some kind of specific codes to make it work. Correct?

    What are the codes called, and where/how do you get them from your original drive? Is this at all possible?

    Why worried? Because of the obvious, the box has been opened, the warrenty is now null and void. Just trying to Cover my selself.
  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Ok let's just say someone has posted in the Xbox forum, not the Xbox 360 forum!?
  3. jack62

    jack62 Guest

    What a dipstick.........

    my bad

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