Hi guys, don't know whether this will help anyone but ill post it anyway. I nearly fell for it; I was gunna buy this phone here; http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NOKIA-n90-GSM...ryZ20365QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem observe the fact that all the feedback the seller has is from loads of 'no longer registered' users. And all the comments are posted within minutes of eachother which would suggest that it was this same user, buying random stuff off himself and leaving feedback on himself. You have to be really careful. He, the guy who sold it, is not registered with ebay anymore, but he is back selling the same things with different accounts which i can only assume are this same guy. A link to show you the other phones he is selling; http://search.ebay.co.uk/search/sea...&price=1&saprclo=50&saprchi=160&so=Show+Items I think all of the phones being sold in China are the same guy, and on most of these auctions the sellers (or seller) has/have chosen not to show their feedback suggesting that it might otherwise be obvious to people like me that it is all a big scam.
Thanks, this will help a lot of people. I myself have fallen for one of these scams, that why I'm always careful about ebay usage now.
It was a japanese seller that got around not listing the right product, but infact a manual for the product, using some "creative" language and the good old, but I'm not too good at english trick.
Ha, "Me quite not at english good?" PS. Just realised i'm speakin to u on another thread without realisin its the same person.
Haha, yes you are. Helping with my virus problem. And yes some people see it as dirty money and some others, like these scammers, think of it as "free money".