well does somebody know really ebay? did you have problem with it? is it safe? how much it takes (time) to delivre let's say honk kong?
Ebay is only as safe as the sellers. shipping also varies. Your best bet is to find a power seller with almost all positive feedback (read up on the negetive feedback). I've bought a ton of stuff on ebay with no bad results yet.
LOLL well im posting here for [bold]experience[/bold] not for wasting time how should i know how trustful ebay is if i didnt ask some ppl who bought from it
ive had few bad exp. using ebay, all on the selling side.. buying is easy as long as like posted, check feedbacks, time on ebay, positive % high 99's, and you are good to go. delivery depends on seller, but a fast deliverer will have feedbacks that say "FAST SHIP!" and whatnot... good luck
oh you know im a little afraid to put my visa card number for nothing i have to assure that im getting my order in my house dont forget that im getting things out of canada... and thanks
If you dont want to use ebay then use your legs, and walk to the shops. You shouldve gone there. http://forums.ebay.com.au/forum.jspa?forumID=1002 We cant guarantee your not gonna get ripped off, and we cant gurantee you will. Ben said you should look for power sellers with +ve feedback - thats your answer. Followung that rule it is most likely you wont get dooped. If you have fears with your credit card and email and dont like paypal, you can always send the guy a cheque or money order.
In the receiver and amplifier forum, you'll find many guys who've had trouble ordering home theater equipment from ebay. Some were buying used equipment while others bought from many of the dealers who sell through ebay. Even if you buy from one of the dealers who sell on ebay, you need to take the same precautions as you would with many web sites ... many of the manufacturer's warranties are void in many web sites and, from what I'm told, with businesses that sell on ebay because the manufacturers consider them to be "distributers" and not retailers. I guess there is nothing you can do about private sellers selling used goods but if you deal with one of the businesses selling on ebay, I would check out their web site (most have one) and see if they are factory authorized ... while best buy or a store you physically walk into where factory warranties are almost always in place provided you're not going into some fly by night operation, web dealers who frequently sell on ebay often are not factory warranted but will have their own "store" warranties which aren't as good. Most of the web dealers like J&R Computer, Crutchfield and others will have the factory warranty logos and certificates right at the bottom of their home page if factory warranties are upheld by the manufacturer.
a cheque..? what if it gets lost? as you said i know that shoping from a shop is better but everything has positives and negatives... [bold]shops[/bold]..are safer.. warranty included.. you can change the product if you dont like it... [bold]paypal (or online shops such as ebay)[/bold] have good prices...new products... but warranty not really. Using "[bold]VISA[/bold] or [bold]MASTER CARD[/bold]" >> LETS SAY [bold]CREDIT CARDS[/bold] arent really safe who knows?! what am trying to just know if somebody had a bad experience buying from ebay. and thank you for your answer i appreciate it...
i see... sounds right... isn't better shopping from stores behind your house.. you receive your product when you want!and with warranty for 1 year but [bold]private sellers[/bold] after they sell you their used product they dont even care about it and many friends warned me about buying online!!! or sending cheques thanks i heard what i wanted to hear -cheers-