i am wondering if it's possible to rip a dvd movie, then edit it with Adobe Premier Pro or something like that, then somehow burn the movie with the original menus and extras and chapter settings. i think i can rip and edit it, but after that i'm lost. does anyone have any suggestions as to how i would be able to burn it after editing?
After you've ripped and edited, your next choice is do you burn to either an 8.5gb dual layer disc and have no compression, or use a 4.7gb single layer disc with some compression. If you choose the dual layer, burn the files with nero (or whatever you use) In a similar way you would burn a cd. But in DVD....lol If you choose the latter method, then get DVD Shrink...it's free. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/ ....and very easy to use. Need more help....just post back.
will burning with nero still have the menus and extras and everything? and will the chapters still work too? i'd like it to be as close to the original as it can, besides the editing.
Yes. All file info will be copied across to the disc, even if you use shrink. Just a query....with the editing you're doing, is this creative stuff or getting rid of bad language and the like?
actually, i was thinking about trying to "clean up" the movie 300 when it comes out because i really liked it. but it would be a good thing to know in general. also, i was just messing around with nero, and i imported some vob files from a dvd, and tried importing an mpeg or avi, and it said it couldn't do that. is there a way to import both vob files and mpeg's or avi's? or do i need to put my edited movie back into vob format somehow?
Nero will only let you put in one format for a complitation. So you can either convert the mpeg to VOB format or convert the VOBs to mpeg the choice is yours really. It would probably be better to convert the mpeg or AVI into VOB format first though.
Reading your last post...it's good to know that you are experimenting with various software and it's uses. At the time of writing this, Bbmayo has posted a reply. The info posted, beats me to the punch of suggesting the use of VobBlanker. This is a freeware app that should suit your needs. Where do you get this software and guides on how to use it.... and many more? http://www.dvdplusvideo.com/A_F_Guides.html This link thanks to Alkohol,Fasfrank, Scubapete and last but not least Mr.bbmayo himself. Again many thanks.
thanks guys, i'll try that out. another quick question though, if i cut out a part of a scene or something, that makes the movie shorter, or at least changes the times of the scenes. how will that affect the other languages and subtitles on the movie? and will the scene select part still work ok?
i am still wondering how that will affect the rest of the movie. by cutting out part of a scene, i would think that would throw off the scene select, and subtitles, and other stuff like that. is that correct?
the best editing software I know of is dvdremake pro. it is not free however. it will do anything and everything. it can get very complicted because it can do so much so you will need to read the users manual. here's a link http://www.dimadsoft.com/products.php