Editing Closed Thread Titles

Discussion in 'AfterDawn feedback & suggestions' started by pryme_H, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. pryme_H

    pryme_H Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Is there a way, perhaps, to edit thread titles as Closed once it's been "put up the shutters" by a Mod? I just think it's pointless to open and gaze through threads that you can't reply to.
  2. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Well if a mod closes a thread it has 'closed' next to the thread title.
    Also the thread starter also has the option of editing the thread title.

    Moving this one to the 'other' feedback & suggestions :)
  3. pryme_H

    pryme_H Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Thank you for the kind response. Pardon my ignorance, but I don't see "closed" next to a terminated thread. Unless, I open the thread. Is this being accomplished by default or done manually by the Mod who closed the thread? I do know that the originator of the thread can opt to rename title; I just think the responsibility should lie under the Mods'. It's no biggie though. It's just me being idle. Thank you for your time :)
  4. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Not a problem pryme_H

    Here's a pick to illustrate closed threads:

    Mods have a close button - so once that's clicked the thread will look like the above.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I don't think the mod's should bear any responsibility if closing a thread that is against forum rules. The threads really should be hidden after closing to unclutter the site, but then the OP or others in the thread wouldn't know why the thread was closed in the first place. I've been closing alot of threads with useles titles lately, such as "Help Plz" or "I have a question", and if the OP were to change the title and shoot me a PM I'd gladly reopen the thread...but I don't think it is my responsibility to change it for them. I closed 23 threads yesterday, there is no way I'd go and edit all those titles for members who should know better or are just to lazy to do it the right way the first time around.
  6. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I used to spend a large chunk of my "moderator's rounds" correcting pages and pages of useless/unhelpful thread titles but the next day there's always the same amount in any and all forums, some people just don't/can't learn to post correctly. Ho hum.

    As to closing threads when they're done, it's something i would like to see as the norm, ie to have "(SOLVED)" or similar at the end of the thread title. Threads such as those then become a source of reference instead of being 'spoilt' over time by newcomers filling up those threads asking lazy questions (that, by the way, have already been answered in those very threads, too many people unfortunately don't like to read previous replies but think they'll get a different or quicker answer than they'd get by reading the actual solutions in those threads).
    What would be nice is to have an extra moderator button that simply adds (SOLVED) at the end of the thread title then auto-closes the thread; however it's just as easy for the mods to do that manually, and i won't speak for other mods on this, it's just something i'd personally like to see done here.

    ..but of course we come back to the question 'Would it help enough' to have threads closed as 'Solved' and unfortunately the answer is a resounding 'NO'. In the time i've been here i've seen that it wouldn't actually make a difference. For instance, in the DVD forums we now allow only one thread to stay open for a given film, to enable better help for people. However what seems like every single day (granted it's usually only for the movies that are trickier to rip) we get umpteen lazily started threads on those same movies, proving categorically that too many people come here (led from a google search etc) for those tricky movies yet fail (miserably) to see the movie threads; (what makes it more annoying is that these movie threads are always up top of the forum pages due to their popularity yet people still miss the blessed things!!).

    Anyways, we just have to keep doing what we do, while i continue to be puzzled as to why other very popular sites, such as cdfreaks, don't seem to suffer from the same problems :)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2008
  7. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Interesting point.. I think cd-freaks members generally have a higher IQ, or the mods are like the proverbial ton of bricks.. Or just maybe it is because the guides are clearly that?? with a link to a discussion thread for anything the idiots don't understand, rather than 300 pages of moronic repetition on the end of them.. I still say close the guides and have a link to a discussion topic.. like the news articles.. surely that isn't hard to implement.

    That said, there are worse sites for idiots and morons than AD.. try xbox-scene for a general free for all.. or uk-chat, where the IQ is well below the average slug.

    We could have a rule tho.. about treating the 100th identical question with scorn and ignoring it, same for the plzzzz heeelp me!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. I'm not going to use the name I wanted to, it ends with "heads" or "wits" your choice :lol: .. like the feeding the spammers rule. Make the ***** read some shtuff first. ??? Unfortunately, that is dependent on the consensus of members.. and with a rank system people are always going to spoonfeed these muppets because it's an easy way to get elevated status.. Senior member in the consoles in 2 days if you reply with the exact same cun'n'paste answer.

    I saw a ps3 question posted directly under the "ask ps3 linux questions here" sticky.. are these people totally retarded.. oh console kids.. I'm getting ahead of myself again
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2008
  8. pryme_H

    pryme_H Regular member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    There are definitely a lot of imperfections, and we can only hope they get resolved progressively. But primarily, the litter patrols (Mods) are doing an outstanding job clearing out the eyesores. Pro bono work is much appreciated. I know it takes a lot of your hectic "real world" schedules to make members conform to forum rules. Honestly, I don't know how you ladies/gents do it. I salute you all.
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    very carefully as we mods have the members surrounded.
  10. gurnard

    gurnard Regular member

    Mar 22, 2005
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    hi :)
    @ varnull
    note the red bit tut!tut! LOL
  11. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    I wonder if these are the same people who love the Edsel and the AMC Pacer.

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