I have a bunch of .ISO files that have .MDS files along with them. I went through and renamed all my iso & mds files to have more consistent naming. I looked at the mds file and noticed that it pointed to the old filename of the iso. Is it ok for me to use a program like notepad++ to open the mds file and just change the name of the iso or will that break/effect the mds file at all?
The old DVDDecrypter made these? AFAIK so long as the iso and mds files had the same name and you selected the mds fileas as the source, it would find the iso. I don't think the mds file is a text file - probably a hex editor would be required - but then I don't really think it's required at all now that FAT 32 isn't used for formatting HDDs. Maybe ask at the ImgBurn forum. http://forum.imgburn.com/index.php?/forum/6-imgburn-support/