Hello, I got a movie That has an audio stream that's called elecard. I convert my avi's useing canopus procoder and this the first time i have ever seem this audio format and it's the first time procoder freezes up on me. What do i do now? Thanx
O.K i figured out that canopus procoder don't support elecard audio. If i just decode the video to mpeg2, then it works. I do have the elecard codec. so is there a way of extracting the audio to wave or somthing and then put it back together. Thanx
It depends. To put another sound in an AVI movie: compress the WAV into MP3 CBR, then open the AVI with VirtualDubMod, set Video__Direct Stream Copy, do Stream___Stream List, disable the old stream, addd the new one. Save (F7). To use the sound for a DVD (provided the audio is in-sync with the video): load the M2V (the video) and the audio (WAV, MP2, AC3) with any authoring application: ReJig, DVD Lab, etc. etc. If there's a constant A/V delay, you can specify the delay (or add the the sound stream using any audio encoder, like HeaddAC3he or BeSweet).