Hi, I just bought myself a Sceptre X42GV Naga 42" lcd TV... Behind the wall that I mounted it is a coat closet...That is where I store all my system pieces...(External TV box, Tivo, PC, Xbox 360, Game cube, PS2, System Selector, Surround Sound Reciever, DVD Player and IR Extender). My question is.....What tempeture is to high for the closet?.... I know its alot of stuff to put in the closet... But at witch point do I start worrying about my setup? 90..95..100..105...110 etc? Also what are all of your thoughts about how to keep my temp down? THANKS!!!!
hmmmm...Wouldn't seem to be a problem.Each of those peices of hardware has different.The ps2 and gamecube for instance would never over heat ,the 360 and pc on the other hand may be more suseptible to damage. I don't know about you but the only place that's 90 or above is my garage.The only problem I see would be if you left multiple things on for a long period of time and the heat built up I think 95 would be the highest I would want to go. As for suggestion's :installing fans that circulate and blow the heat out would be a cheap way to cool it down.There are portable ac unit's that are small and give good efficiency...
Seeing as you plan on keeping your consoles in there, 68 degrees should be the max temperature allowed when none of the equipment is on, and 90 degrees when it's all running. Since consoles are basically the same as a normal computer, letting them get too hot will shorten their lifespan, so keeping the area around them cool would be a good idea, as they produce quite a lot of heat while in operation. As for how to keep the heat down, ty's idea would be a good one.