Emerson dual deck vcr dvd recorder ewr20v5

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by wolf123, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    So I think i might switch too dvd-rw disks.

    And so far only had one mess up from recording a movie from tape too dvd -r this occured last night then tried again with a different dvd and worked great.

    The only other thing is the menu doesnt give you a regular dvd menu with animated frames but a list of whats on the dvd and I recorded a store bought vhs and no problem with recording the only thing is it has this option too see the remaining record time and it make the audio go out of sync but if you turn this off its back in syncbut when you play it comes out fine.
  2. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    plus and minuses of the machine

    plus is it is very user friendly.

    minus I have noticed 2 things you can not do tape a show and watch a dvd at the same time and bugs me they should of set it up so if you want too watch a movie but tape something you can.

    plus on some store bought tapes I was able too copy too dvd then came too one that I couldnt phenomenon.

    minus one of the recorded dvds I made did not play in the new smaller playstation 2.
  3. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    new things I found out you can timer record a program and record the same program too vhs I dont know if this is good or not since everyone is switching too dvd these days.

    Also you can not copy The mummy store bought vhs.

    more too come soon
  4. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Too update you can watch a vhs and record on dvd or vica versa I found out.
  5. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Heres is a cool feature you problably know but I was going through my dvd rw disk and editing out the comercials and normally i split the video at the end and the beginning of the segment of show taking the comercial in the middle and deleting that segment but I have a better way too do this all i do is scene delete fom the begining of the comercial too the end of the comercials. I found out this is way better transition.
  6. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    One thing anoid me though when I started too record a program that I set and wanted it too stop I couldn't just press the stop button on the remote you have too press it on the unit.
  7. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    hope you read this
  8. GregRod

    GregRod Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    That issue with pressing the record button on the unit instead of on the remote after time setting it to start is a good thing.

    Its supposed to prevent you from stopping the recording process by mistake.
  9. Jim222

    Jim222 Member

    Oct 18, 2005
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    I purchased a Emerson EWR20V4 when they first came out. It worked great for switching all my old home movies from tape to DVD-R. I found Maxell worked great. Except that it was increasingly harder to find the 4x. I never heard about any upgrade being available (I even called the support number and was never told that). So finally, I purchased the Emerson EWR20V5 when they came out recently, so I could use the 8x discs. But now I am have a very strange problem, I was hoping someone else could help me (Again I called the support number 1-800-605-8453 and they could not help me. My timer recording keeps losing its memory. I set it and press the T-set and the timer indicator shows, but then right after 12 (AM or PM) it starts flashing and all of the recording memory is gone. Any help? I never had this problem with the EWR20V4 (which was plugged into the same outlet) I have tried replacing the unit at Walmart but the new one does the same thing. I have tried a dedicated outlet but it still does it. Has anyone else had this problem?
  10. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Does this happen when you set it too record axactly on a hour because I always have set it a min or two before and never messed up try that.
  11. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    I am using the emerson vcr dvd recorder combo v5 and I use memorex 8x dvd -R and are fine no problems but use these too transfer movies then I use the maxell dvd -rw and I use these if I want too take out comercials on shows I record and I found some interesting things about this unit that when I record on rw disk in vr mode in LP=4hrs and SP=2hrs and XP=1hr all good too record in if you want good quality. I posted it in a forum all about this player what is good and bad about it. I will be adding stuff today I found out some interesting stuff. I wish there was a 3 hr mode
  12. Jimimoore

    Jimimoore Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    anybody got any new info on the EWR20V5?
  13. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    I have a posting when this machine first came out I got it and wrote down wstuff about it you can watch a different program just like a vcr but if you hook it too a cable box your stuck watching the thing your recording and I plannly think that sucks. Also no problem recording VOD movies video on demand or ppv awsome see I see it like this you pay too rent the same movies why not record them too a dvd instead and all the stting are good I have recorded in all setting and I don't record in 10 hour mode thats crappy especially when the video is going fast then you see how crappy it is but its cool record on dvd -R I use memorex there cheap at wally world and rws I record tv shows onle because I can edit the comercials Out now if I new about that when I had my very first dvd recorder then it would of saved alot of time.

    sorry about the long post but this is the 4th dvd vcr combo the first one was fried when my nephew stuck hotdogs in it the second was fried when the dvd would not open the 3rd IT was the dust now the one I have now I use in moderation and clean it afetr 10 hours of use I recorded a whole day of knight rider on rws now see if I don't want it I delete it and can reuse it but if i record movies from sat HBO the that goes on dvd -R disks.

    Like tonight at my brothers I'm recording The neverending Story and same disk adams family and adams family values I record these in 6 hour mode just like a vhs tape, But idf I get a ppv I record ONe movie on a disk.
  14. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Just too add a few things I have found out one more new thing when I set up a timer record for the same channel and I want too record a show right after it i can split it like this

    First program is from 7pm to 8pm
    second program same channel right after from 8pm too 9pm now if you use a dvd recorder you know if you record a 2 hours at once you can't delte the show you don't want so you have a 2 hour slot gone on the disk now this is how i do this.

    timer set from 659pm too 759 then the second program from 759 too 859 and this works great on a rw disk only I tried it on a r disk doesnt work because every time the first program is done it writes too the disk so you have too have a couple of minutes between shows .

    this skips 6 seconds
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2006
  15. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    I do have too warn you on this programming it this way you may clip the last scene of a show but there is a way to fix this make sure you set the clock right on the dvd so when the programs ends then begins again it is on the commercial at the end but so far this has worked great for mr if there is a marathon on say sci fi channel.
  16. wolftoo

    wolftoo Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    wolf123, you've went through your entire life not knowing the difference between the words "to" and "too". Not only did you post it once, but you repeated it more than a dozen times! Go get your G.E.D., you illiterate moron.
  17. BPortner

    BPortner Member

    Mar 17, 2006
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    I also have an EWR20V5 with the the timer recording losing its memory as Jim222 mentioned. I have a number of programs set to record on a weekly basis that do not erase, but about 3 times, I set an upcoming one time program about 5 days in advance that kept erasing whenever I would go in to check my programs before the start date. I set a different one before figuring this out and it never recorded, so I assumed I set the program wrong. Mine seem to erase every time a new day started at 12:00AM, but I haven't noticed a problem at 12:00 Noon as Jim222 mentioned. It certianly isn't an outlet/power problem, because I have other stuff plugged in that had no effect and the clock remains set as well as all the weekly set programs. What I believe it is deals with the auto clock setting. I did a couple of tests with mine. I manually set my clock back 11:50PM with the date before the actual test date and left auto clock setting on. When the time would go past 12:00 AM the test timer program stayed on the list, but if I would give it time past 12:00 and then it automatically set the clock (it was around 1 AM when I acutally was doing this) to the correct time, the program was gone everytime. I believe the machine is probably set to resync the clock to the TV Channel every night around 12 midnight. I then turned off auto clock setting and did the same test and even after about a half hour time lapse (fake time around 12:30) the program was still there. This is some sort of bug with the machine that hopefully an update can fix. In the mean time, I can suggest 1. set all programs as weekly even if you only want it to record one time than erase that program after recording completes before the next week rolls around. or (what I did) 2. Turn off the Auto Clock setting and set it manually if needed. Auto Clock setting is not a big deal to me, because the power hardly ever goes out here and I can set it faster then the 10 minutes or so the machine searches channles to set the clock by plus you have to reset the programs anyway if power is out for more than 30 seconds according to the manual. I only tested this out last night, so I am still testing. I have a one time program set for this Sunday at 8PM, if that records fine, problem solved. From what Jim said, Emerson Radio/Funai Corp. is unaware of this, so who knows if they will provide a fix. Although I have only had it around 2 weeks, I guess it seems like a decent machine for the price I paid other than this timer programing problem.
  18. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    I have found something new if you have vhs tapes that are store bought but can't tranfer them then use them for a couple programs and the picture quality is way better if you can record in sp mode when you go and tranfer it too dvd.

  19. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    I found out one bad thing about the rw disk thats finalized from this unit it will not play in an Ilo machine v05 because I have tried and it wants too format the disk for some strange reason with 3 too six hours recorded and Finalized it wants too format.
  20. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    wierd things have been happening too me some of my disk that I finalized I was trying too undo the finalization and the disk was scratched in the wrong spot so it won't work but it usally does work.

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